However, therapy is more like an art. Technically, it is a service, but some aspects of it are often strongly influenced by intuition. However, therapeutic techniques are developed based on psychological science and research conducted in this discipline.
Psychology is the science of human behavior; But understanding anyone's psychology is a real art, and I don't think it is difficult. Because we can identify it by observation. But in psychology, we cannot judge anything. So this is definitely an art of observation and understanding.
This is my view on psychology.
I've thought a lot. Let me start with a fact. This is a matter of human beings, and there are many variables. We are dealing with some things, but some groups try to deconstruct us into particles, thinking that reductionism will reveal the secrets of thought.
Scientific labels are so interesting that they set an irresistible temptation: objectivity and restore cognition to synaptic state. I actually read a sentence that if a therapist regards treatment as an art, you need to find another therapist. This is a man who seems to know little about science, psychology or art.
Science is reproducible in the biological sense. But it gave no intention or reason. Psychologically, it tends to explore the physiological and biological processes that constitute cognitive functions and behaviors. It tries to simplify ideas into chemical processes and objectify everything that can be measured reasonably. Biologically, we need our equipment to work well so that we can think and feel normally, but this does not tell us who we are. Take medicine, relax and be stable. You won't repair or heal, and watch the love in your life be blown away in front of you.
Psychology studies thoughts and behaviors. It tries to understand how and why people think and the way they choose to do certain things and certain ways. Different aspects of psychology do different jobs. Practitioners are certainly not people who study probes buried in mice's brains. Clinicians tend to use the conversation process to change a person's mind. That's why the degree is a bachelor of arts or a master of arts, or a doctor of philosophy. Personal beliefs are like different religions. You can't change this through reason. Biologically, all different religious ideas look similar.
Art is sometimes only considered as a medium of art and self-expression and interpretation; Pictures, music, poems, etc. They regard art as a thing, an object that needs evaluation and judgment. It is much more difficult to master the process that it produces in a person. Subtle differences in music or subtlety in a smile. The concrete thinker doesn't understand at all. They also don't tend to understand the science in art, which follows a certain structure, whether it is the mathematics of the Golden Triangle, the note order of songs or the rhythm of haiku. The artist follows a reproducible pattern and then deviates from the power that affects the experiencer.
Aesthetics is a more subtle process known in philosophy, which is about creation, interpretation and emotion. It involves the creation and appreciation of art, and is sometimes called taste. They are personalized judgments with emotional value.
Psychologists know patients' perception, personality, cognition, interest, emotion, intelligence, motivation, brain function, behavior and internal and external resources, which all determine whether they can change. Personal history, resilience, family support and other factors may mean that people with similar brain chemistry and MRI will make completely different choices.
Combined with the therapist's personality, scene, setting, therapist's choice of technology and execution skills have become factors. This is not a mechanical process. I have been doing this for forty years, and now I have seen thousands of patients. All technologies must be adjusted for everyone. What they get from it and how to use it are individualistic. We won't change the carburetor here.
So the real answer is: both.
Science has seen the patterns, potential mechanisms, typical settings and gossip behaviors that plague patients, and determined the reasons. Then help the therapist choose tools.
The art of therapists lies in being able to use this tool to overcome patients' defenses and help them, despite their conscious and unconscious resistance. This is art.