When all basic living conditions are not met, is it still necessary to tell others about God?

Man lives not only by food, but by every word from the mouth of God.

People naturally have a desire for faith, because people themselves have the concept of eternity, which can also be said to be instinctive. However, after people leave God, it is difficult for them to distinguish the true from the false, just like the sons of their father who came to an isolated island. Some people forget what their father looks like and start to make assumptions. There are no gods, many gods, and even inanimate stones are used to carve images of their own imagination. (How can the infinity of God be expressed by statues). Until one day their father came to pick them up. Some people followed, while others still did not believe. Just like when God himself illuminates the world with great light, some people still hold on to the insignificant candle in their hands.

God is not deaf to man, on the contrary, he suddenly installed ears, real, human ears with eardrums, ossicles, and cochlea, 2,000 years ago by his son on the dusty and cracked plains of Palestine , listen to people's weak cries.

How can we talk about faith when one-third of the world’s people are hungry? I suggest you read "Where is God when it hurts" by China Film Publishing House, written by Philip Yancey of the United States.

There is only one true God. He has been revealed to the world through his only begotten Son. He is Jesus. The birth of Jesus is like the center of history, everything before is looking forward to, everything after is looking back. He was born of a virgin, and as a baby, he inspired the fear of King Herod. When he was young, he made an astonishing statement in the palace. He began to preach at the age of 30, fed five thousand people with five loaves and two fish, walked on the sea, stopped the wind and waves with his rebuke, healed countless sick people, resurrected Lazarus, and chose 12 good people (except Judas) who were not smart. people. He prophesied to them many times his death and resurrection three days later, but they did not understand. After his crucifixion, the disciples were so frightened that they all returned to their old ways and scattered away. But when He was resurrected three days later, all the disciples were full of faith and power, and their lives were completely different. He asked Peter, who had denied him three times, his love for him three times, and returned to the right hand of God after 40 days. He is the true God, the Holy Trinity. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." The incarnation of the Word was Jesus Christ. God said that man came from dust and to dust he will return. The 96 elements in the human body are the 96 elements in the soil. When God will judge in the last days, all elements will return to us. Both body and soul will be resurrected. face his judgment. Who can avoid committing sin? But through Jesus Christ we can return to God with confidence.

None of us are righteous. Like sheep that have gone astray, each one has turned to his own way. Yet God still loves us. Because people are precious, but not from a human perspective. People take up space, waste food, and consume resources. What’s so valuable about it? Just because everyone is God’s unique creation. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”

The fear of Jehovah (God) is the beginning of wisdom, and knowing the Holy One is understanding. Modern science can better prove the wisdom and wonder of God’s creation.

I suggest you read "Wandering Son Yin" and "Iron-Evidence Awaiting Judgment". One was written by Mr. Li Li, who graduated from the Department of Biology of Peking University. One was a scholar who wanted to overthrow Christianity but found the truth.

Is there a rational basis for the belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God?

Throughout the ages, countless scholars, students, and adults can answer with one voice: "Yes!" McDowell's book "The Skeleton Evidence" is designed to prove this. a little.

The universe is so wonderful, and life is so magical. If the earth is 5% closer to the sun, the water will turn into water vapor, and if it is 1% further away, the water will freeze into ice and no life will exist. Who measured this distance for us? Atoms invisible to the naked eye contain unexpected power. The nose processes 12,240 liters of air 24 hours a day, regulates temperature and humidity, and filters out dust. If the world's highest technology were to build such a machine, it would weigh at least a hundred kilograms. God's creation is so wonderful.

People have to go somewhere after death, so you have to go through exploration before you can make a choice you will never regret. Fortunately, you are not the only one who is seeking. There is a Father in heaven who is willing to guide you. If you knock, the door will be opened, and those who seek will find it. There is no salvation in any other, for there is no other name given in heaven or on earth by which we must be saved! No matter what kind of belief people have, they have the concept of eternity in their hearts. Some people seek immortality and ask questions, and some practice hard and think that they can "become a Buddha" or be reborn in the "Ultimate World" through this, but none of them have found the truth. Nothing in the world can fill up the eternal truth. That is the Word of God.

The 44 authors of the Bible have different identities. Many of them have never met each other. The writing time spanned more than 1,600 years, but the content has been passed down in one continuous line. Israel is a witness. “Israel shall be cast to and fro among the nations, but shall not be destroyed.” From the destruction and restoration of Israel as a nation, and its still standing strong in the face of siege by Arab countries, we can see the deeds of God. God wants all people to be saved and does not want anyone to perish. I hope you can accept the gospel too and God bless you!

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are three persons who exist forever. Jesus had both divinity and humanity, but no sin. Different from people. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. So Mary is the earthly mother of Jesus.

His ways are higher than human ways, and God’s will is higher than human will. "He will not break the bent reed, nor will he quench the smoldering flax." God will not forget us and will always take care of us. Although everything may not always go as expected, there is glory, blessing, and growth every day. God said, "How can a woman forget her suckling baby and not have pity on the child she gave birth to? Even if she forgets, I will not forget you."

The famous French humanist Vol. Voltaire once boasted: "A hundred years from now, the world will never hear the words of the Bible again." However, soon after, the British Museum purchased it from the Russian government for half a million US dollars. He bought a manuscript of the New Testament in Greek script, and Voltaire's first edition sold for only eight cents a copy. Voltaire died in 1778. Fifty years after his death, the Bible Society of Geneva, Switzerland, began to use his machines to print the Bible at the residence where Voucher lived during his lifetime. What a bitter irony.

Bernard Ramm (Bernard Ramm) pointed out: "The death knell of the Bible has sounded thousands of times, the funeral procession has gathered, the words on the tombstone have been engraved, and the funeral words have been read, but , the body has never rested here." "No book of philosophy, religion, psychology, classical or modern has been slaughtered, slain, examined, searched, and slandered like the Bible. Have poetry books ever experienced so many collective attacks? Have they been so thoroughly destroyed? But now, every chapter, every verse, every line, every word in it has not been easily let go? The Bible is still loved, read, studied, and preached by millions of people, and they never tire of it." How many people and things have been eliminated and forgotten in the long river of history, but the Bible remains intact. “The grass will wither and the flowers will fade; but the word of the Lord endures forever” (1 Peter 1:24-25). Only the word of God can stand forever.

Lord Lyttelton was a literary man and politician who served as a member of the British Parliament and Minister of Finance. He once recounted a relationship between him and his friend Gilbert West, who was a judge. past. When they were young, both of them were convinced that the Bible was a deceptive book and were determined to expose its hypocrisy. Littleton was determined to find evidence that Saul of Tarsus never became the apostle Paul, while Webster was engaged in proving that Jesus was not resurrected. They studied separately for quite some time. As a result, both of them tried their best to find evidence to overturn the Christian faith. Instead, they gave up their prejudices in the face of the evidence, repented and converted to Christ. When they met, they both felt a little shy. They were not able to celebrate for exposing the hypocrisy as planned, but they sincerely congratulated each other for knowing the Bible revealed by God. Webster later wrote a book, Observations on the History and Evidences of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. On the title page of the book, Webster quoted an old saying: "Those who have not studied the truth should not criticize it casually."

If we are not biased, Jesus is the most real existence in the world, and he is the glory of the true God. To this day, the number of people following him has not decreased, but has increased. More than two billion people on earth worship him, and the Bible was the first book taken into space. God bless you.

Maybe you don’t like what I say, but it is beneficial. Believe and be saved, accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and all your sins will be forgiven. You will also be able to enjoy eternal life with the Lord in the future. “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Behold, I stand at the door knocking If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and I will sup with him, and he with me.

"Revelation 3:20