Psalm 19 mainly talks about: the greatness of God’s creation, the perfection of God’s law, and the reverence that humans should have.
Psalms 19 have lofty intentions, magnificent momentum, and beautiful diction. They are the greatest and most magnificent. They are outstanding in both biblical literature and world literature.
Psalm 19 has a clear structure and distinct levels. The entire Psalm is naturally divided into three parts: the greatness of God’s creation. The first part is God’s universal revelation through nature, showing God’s glory; The second part of the perfection of God’s law is God’s special revelation through the law (the Bible), which demonstrates God’s goodness; the reverence that people should have, and the third part is God’s individual revelation through inspiration, which demonstrates God’s grace.
The historical evolution of "Psalms":
The writing of "Psalms" took hundreds of years, and it is unclear when the earliest information originated. It is generally believed that its early germination appeared in the era of the unified kingdom, and most of the works were formed during the period of divided kingdoms, some after the exile, and some even later. For example, Psalm 137 is clearly a sad psalm after the Babylonian captivity, while Psalm 126 reflects the joy of the return period.
During this period, some of them were first compiled into a number of smaller poetry collections, which were screened, merged and revised many times before finally forming a final version in the 2nd century BC. This book was used in synagogue worship occupies an important position. During the writing process, it was constantly enriched and improved due to the needs of worship activities. After it was written, it was read aloud in various religious ceremonies, and the best ones became the traditional items collected and used in the temple.