The sixty-year-old Jiazi mantra song: Jiazi, Yichou, gold in the sea, Bingyin, Dingmao, fire in the furnace. In Wuchen, there were already big trees, and in Gengwu and Xinwei, there was dirt on the roadside. The sword edge of Renshen, Guiyou is golden, and the mountain top of Jiaxu and Yihai is fire. Bingzi and Dingchou streams are filled with water, and Wuyin and Jimao are covered with earth.
Gengchen Xinsi pewter gold, Renwu Guiwei willow wood. There is water in the springs of Jiashen and Yiyou, and there is earth in the houses of Bingxu and Dinghai. Wu Ziji Chou is thunderbolt fire, Geng Yin Xin Mao is pine and cypress wood. The flowing water is long in Renchen and Guisi, and gold is in the sand during Jiawu and Yiwei. There is fire under the mountains of Bingshen and Dingyou, and there are trees on the plains of Wuxu and Jihai.
Speaking of sixty years, everyone knows that this means sixty years old, but everyone does not know what sixty years is. In fact, sixty years is a timekeeper in ancient Chinese chronology. Cycles are also used in numerology for birth dates, and the four pillars and eight characters are sequenced and combined through sixty years.
Memory of the content of the Sixty Years of Songs is not that simple
The Sixty Years combines the twelve earthly branches with the attributes of the five elements, and the "Sixty Years of Songs" is based on this content. Written to facilitate people's memory.
Nowadays, we rarely see the Twelve Earthly Branches in our daily lives, and the Twelve Earthly Branches are a way of chronology that China has had since ancient times. It is of profound significance to the Chinese people. Meaning, the content of the Sixty Years Song Jue is designed to enable people to keep Chinese traditional culture in mind. Don't let it be lost.
Liu Shi Jiazi was first founded by Darao, while Liu Shi Jiazi Nayin was founded by Gui Guzi, and Xingxiang was founded by Dongfang Shuo. Dongfang Shuo founded the astrology, which he called "Jiazi". Jiazi refers to the twelve earthly branches from Zi to Hai. These twelve earthly branches all have the attributes of the five elements, and the five elements they belong to correspond to people's worldly affairs.
The five elements can be symbolized by the five stars in the sky, the five mountains on the earth as a symbol, the five constants as a symbol of human morality, the five internal organs as a symbol of the human body, and the destiny of a person. Symbolized by the five elements.
Sixty Years is the summary of life, so the Sixty Years Nayin astrology contains a person’s life. For example, Confucius said, “You stand at thirty, you are not confused at forty, you know your destiny at fifty, and you know your destiny at sixty. The ear is obedient, and at seventy, one can follow the heart's desires without exceeding the rules."
When the ancient magicians combined the five elements and stems, they repeatedly arranged metal, fire, wood, water and earth to form: metal, fire, wood, water, earth, metal, fire, wood, water, earth, gold, and fire... Remove one word from every three words, and each word Repeat it again, so that the two connected days are one of the five elements, forming the combination of gold, gold, fire, fire, wood, earth, earth, water, and water with the stems and branches, forming the "Sixty Years of Nayin Song Jue".
Sixty Years is the earliest and largest invention of the ancient people. In ancient times, there were no clocks or calendars, and we could only rely on the position of the sun to determine time. The sixty-year period is China's oldest principle of counting years, days and times. It can be regarded as the most traditional calendar in China.