Writing ideas and key points: review the topic clearly, determine the center, and select materials.
すべての人は自分の好きなsmall animalsがいます. Private もExceptionではありません.
Everyone has their favorite little animals, and I am no exception.
Private good and small animals.
One of my favorite little animals is the squirrel.
The little squirrel is furry all over and has a beautiful big fluffy tail, which makes it look particularly energetic.
A pair of round, small eyes are particularly flattering.
リスは毛った木の branchに巣を作るのが好きです. The カラスやカササギの巣を使ってdecorationしたり, the wooden cave の中で巣を为ったりします.
Squirrels like to build nests on dense branches. They often use the abandoned nests of crows and magpies to decorate, and sometimes also build nests in tree holes.
No wild fruit, no leaves, no buds, insects, no eggs of birds, no food.
In addition to eating wild fruits, they also eat young leaves, buds, insects and bird eggs.
Autumn になると, リスは食べ物をstore蔵し开めます. 一马のリスは何キロの食べ物をいくつかのplaceに分けて蔵しています. When the time is right, the food is on the wood and the food is dry. Food is good for food, but food is rotten.
As soon as autumn arrives, squirrels begin to store food. A squirrel often stores several kilograms of food in several places. Sometimes you can see squirrels drying food on trees to prevent the food from deteriorating and rotting.
Squirrels have excellent vision and hearing, and they move quickly.
ちょっと动きがあると、この木からあの木に飞び込んできました. とてもspeed いです.
At the slightest movement, it jumped from this tree to that tree with a "swish" sound, so fast!
The little squirrel is not only cute, but also has flexible limbs and agile movements. I particularly like it.