Listen! The angel sang loudly: Glory to the newborn king. Since then, heaven and man have lived in harmony, and grace has enjoyed all directions. Get up! The spirit of all nations responded to the praise of heaven and joined the heavenly army to spread good news. Christ was born in Bethlehem. Christ, praise the heavens, Christ, the eternal king! Show great enthusiasm, seek temporary support, universal grace, and public expectations.
The true god is covered with flesh and blood, and the holy word is incarnated in the world, willing to live with ordinary people. I will be great if I do Emmanuel. Welcome, king of peace, welcome, brilliant and just light, he gives new life to the world, he heals pain and trauma. Give up glory and leave the sky, birth struggles to destroy death, and destruction of death gives regeneration and regeneration lasts forever.
Christian hymns:
The hymn is a chorus song accompanied by an organ, which is developed from the hymn. It takes the Bible or other church words as lyrics and sings in English after the dedication ceremony or sermon in the Christian church. Among them, the solo is called a solo hymn, and the one without solo is called a chorus hymn, which is sung by the church choir.
Hymns began to develop in the16th century, when the church ceremony replaced Latin with English. Hymns are English versions of Roman Catholic scriptures, that is, Latin hymns. At first, the chorus hymns sung by the choir alone were the most popular. Later, there was a hymn of the lead singer, including a solo part and a chorus part. This hymn encourages people to accompany it with musical instruments.