26-grid alphabet

26-grid alphabet

These 26 capital letters are: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.


About 3000 years ago, in the Phoenician alphabet, the letter A was pronounced aleph, which looked like the letter V, and there was a bar in the middle to represent the cow's head or horn. Later the Greeks wrote backwards. For ancient Phoenicians, cattle meant wealth and were indispensable for food, clothing and farming.


Like A, the letter B can be traced back to ancient Phoenicia. In the Phoenician alphabet, b is called beth, which stands for house. In Hebrew, B is also called Beth, which also means house. The letter B originally looked like a two-bedroom apartment in primitive society, and the lowercase letter B later evolved from the uppercase letter B. In today's West Bank, there is a Jewish and Christian holy place called Bethlehem. Beth is still included in this word. B ranks second in the alphabet, perhaps because shelter is second only to food and clothing for human survival.


The letter c is called gimel in Phoenician writing, which stands for camel. Its arrangement order in the alphabet is the same as that of the Greek letter γ, but in fact its glyph evolved from the latter. C stands for 100 in Roman numerals.


D is a pictographic symbol that describes the shape of an ancient arch or door. In ancient Phoenician and Hebrew, it is called daleth, which means "door" and is equivalent to the Greek letter δ.


E is the most used letter in French, Spanish, German and other languages. In Phoenician and Hebrew, e is a pictographic symbol representing a window, called he, which is equivalent to the Greek letter e.


F comes from the sixth pictographic letter in Phoenicia, which looks like today's Latin letter Y, representing a cork or a wooden nail. Its name is waw in Phoenician and Hebrew. In the Middle Ages, the left cheek of a felon was usually marked with an F as a symbol of punishment.


In the ancient Phoenician and Hebrew alphabets, G is a hieroglyphic letter describing the outline of camel's head and neck, and its name is gimel. Later, the Greeks borrowed this symbol as γ. In fact, the letter G and the letter C come from the same Phoenician letter. There is no letter G in the original Latin alphabet, and words with G and K sounds are represented by the letter C. After the 3rd century A.D., the ancient Romans created G according to C. Since then, C stands for K sound and G stands for G sound.


Like other letters, H can be traced back to Phoenician letters through Latin letters and Greek letters. In Phoenician, the letter corresponding to H has two bars, which respectively represent fences or fences, and the letters are named heth or cheth.

9. I

The ninth letter I comes from the Phoenician hieroglyphic letter yod/yodh, which is considered to represent human fingers. The initial lowercase letter I has no dots. The dot above I is 1 1 century later, the scribe began to add it to distinguish the letter I from the letter u, and the I in Latin letters is equivalent to the I in Greek.


The root of the letter K can also be traced back to the ancient Phoenicians. In the Phoenician alphabet, k is a hieroglyphic symbol, representing the human hand. It is called kaph in Hebrew, which means "hand". The Greeks borrowed it and made it K. In ancient Rome, the forehead of libel criminals was marked with K, representing kalumnia, which is equivalent to calomnie in French.

Correct list of 26 uppercase and lowercase letters

The 26 uppercase and lowercase letters are Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz.

The first letter of a Chinese syllable



3, helium, helium, helium, strontium, zirconium, carbon, sulfur


Monovowel or compound vowel (of Chinese syllables)

1, single vowel: a, o, e, I, u, ü

2. Vowels: ai, ei, ui, ao, ou, iu, ie, üe, er.

3. Pronasal vowels: an, en, in, un, ü n.

4. Nasal vowels: ang, eng, ing, ong.

5. Recognize syllables as a whole: knowledge, delay, time, day, word, word, thought, meaning, thing, language, leaf, month, yuan, sound, rhyme and shadow.

Extended data:

About13rd century BC, Phoenicians created the first alphabet in human history, with a total of 22 letters. This is the great contribution of Phoenicians to human culture. The Phoenician alphabet is the beginning of the world alphabet. In the west, it derived from ancient Greek letters and developed into Latin letters and Slavic letters.

Greek letters and Latin letters are the basis of letters in all western countries. In the East, it derived Aramaic alphabet and evolved into national alphabet such as Hindi, Arabic, Hebrew and Persian. The Uyghur, Mongolian and Manchu letters in China also evolved from this.

Pronunciation of 26 Pinyin Letters in Kindergarten

The pronunciation of the 26 pinyin letters is as follows:

Chinese Pinyin-Initial List?

The consonants at the beginning of each syllable in Chinese can form initials. 2 1 initial * * is specified in the Chinese phonetic alphabet "Initial List". ?

b? [Bo]? p? [Slope]? m? [Touch]? f? [Buddha]? d? [have]? t? [Special]? n? [nerd]? l? [Le]? g? [Brothers]? k? [theme]? h? [drinking] j? [base]? q? [bullying]? x? [Greek]? z? [capital]? c[; Female]? s? [thinking]? r? [day]? Zh [know]? ch? [sniffing]? Shh? [poem ]y? [medicine]? W? [Witch].

Initial consonants are consonants used in front of vowels, which together with vowels form a complete syllable. Other Chinese and Tibetan languages have similar structures. It is usually played with consonants, that is, the first consonant.

The main feature of consonants is that the airflow in the mouth is hindered by various obstacles, so it can be said that the process of initial pronunciation is also the process of airflow obstruction and overcoming obstacles. Initial consonants are usually low in loudness, can not be sustained at will, and are not used for rhyme.

Vowel refers to China's Chinese phonology term, which is the part of Chinese phonology except initials and tones. Formerly known as rhyme Vowels consist of a rhyme head, a rhyme belly and a rhyme ending. According to vowel structure, it can be divided into single vowel, compound vowel and nasal vowel.

Extended data

The parts of Chinese pronunciation except initials and tones. Formerly known as rhyme Vowels can be divided into three parts: rhyme head, rhyme belly and rhyme end. For example, the vowel of "Niang" niáng is iang, where I is rhyme, A is rhyme and NG is rhyme.

Every vowel must have a rhyme belly, and the beginning and end of the rhyme are dispensable. For example, the vowel of "da" à is a, a is a rhyme belly, and there is no rhyme head and no rhyme end; The vowel of "gua" guā is ua, where U is rhyme and A is rhyme, and there is no rhyme. The vowel of "Dao" dāo is ao, where A is the rhyme belly and O is the rhyme ending, and there is no rhyme.

Chinese Pinyin-Vowel Table. Chinese pinyin has 37 vowels. They are:

A [A]? Ann? O [O]? Ai [mourning]? Ang[ ang ]o[ oh]? Weng? Europe [Europe]? Goose? Hmm [hmm]? Uh [son]? Ei[ alas]? Eng[ press ]i[ clothes]? Ia[ ah]? Iu[ by]? Ie[ yeah]? Are you in [in favor of]? Ing [English]? U[ u]? Un [temperature]? Ua[ frog]? Uo [nest]? Ue[ month]? Ui[ Wei] ü [pedantic]? Ao[ waist]? Ian [smoke]? Beam [center]? How long [has it been]? Uai [external]? Huan [bend over]? Yellow [desire]?


Baidu encyclopedia vowels

26 alphabet languages

The pronunciation of the 26 letters of Chinese Pinyin is as follows:

Initial consonants: b[ bo], p[ po], m[ mo], f[ Buddha], d[ de], t[ te], n[ ne], l[ le], g[ ge], k[ ke], h[ drink], j[ base] and so on. ?

Vowel list: a[ a], an[ an], ao[ ao], ai[ ai], ang[ ang], o[ oh], ong[ Weng], ou[ ou], e[ goose], en[ en], er[ er], ei[ alas], oh.

Introduction to Chinese Pinyin

Hanyu Pinyin is a phonetic scheme for spelling standard Chinese. Chinese Pinyin is based on Beijing phonetic system. Beijing dialect is also a typical representative of China's territory and the most populous northern dialect. "Chinese Pinyin Scheme" is a scheme for spelling Putonghua with the international Latin alphabet and phoneme syllable structure and Beijing pronunciation as the standard pronunciation.

The Chinese Pinyin Scheme explains the usage and standards of Chinese Pinyin, which is the national standard of the China Pinyin Writing Scheme and the international standard stipulated by the United Nations for spelling names and special words in China. It is People's Republic of China (PRC)'s legal pinyin scheme, and it is an international standard for spelling special nouns and words about China in world literature.

26 letters are written correctly.

The capital letters of the 26 English letters are: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.

The lowercase letters of the 26 English letters are: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.

The standard writing is as follows:

Source of letters:

Latin alphabet is the most popular alphabet system in the world at present, which originated from Greek alphabet. Latin alphabet, Arabic alphabet and Slavic alphabet are called the three major alphabet systems in the world.

The problem is that there were more than 40 different phonemes in English at that time, but there were only 23 Roman letters in hand, which could not correspond to each other. So they tried many different methods and slowly formed 27 letters and some spelling rules.

Most western countries and regions use Latin letters. Latin alphabet has also been adopted in the Chinese Pinyin Scheme in China, and Latin alphabet has also been adopted in some minority languages in China.