1, original text.
People in the world, good life. The same nature varies from upbringing to upbringing. Without education, there will be deviations. In order to teach well, you should think deeply. Yesterday, Meng Mu chose a neighbor. In Mencius' laziness, she cut the cloth. Dou Yanshan has a righteous side. Teach Wuzi to be famous. What is a father? A good teacher. What is a teacher? A strict missionary. It is inappropriate for children not to study. Why bother if you are young and don't learn? The best diamonds must be cut. Unless you learn, you will become an animal.
When you are a child, you have less time. Teachers or peers, please cherish them. Xiang is nine years old and can warm the mat. Filial piety is more important than affection. At the age of four, Rong offered pears. Remember, be friendly to others. The first filial piety, the second experience. Know a number, know an article. One and ten, ten and a hundred. Hundreds, thousands. Three talents, heaven and earth. Three lights, sun, moon and stars. Three cardinal principles and five permanents, both monarch and minister are righteous.
Father and son are close, and husband and wife are smooth. Spring, summer, autumn and winter. These four points are not bad luck. East, west, north and south. This quartet should be in the middle. Fire and water, wood, gold and earth. These five elements depend on numbers. Ten dry people, one goes away. Twelve branches, the child reaches the sea. When you say the ecliptic, the sun shines. Equator, right. Below the equator, it is extremely warm. I'm from China, in the northeast.
Changes of frost and dew in cold and summer. Plateau on the right, sea on the left. The more you cross the river, the more nostalgic you are. These four blasphemies are the discipline of water. Yue Daihua, Song Hengheng. Wuyue is the name of the mountain. Ancient Kyushu, today's restructuring. Say province, 35.
Yue agriculture, industry and commerce. These four people are good for the country. Benevolence, courtesy, wisdom and faith. The five permanent members should not be confused. There is vegetation on the ground. This plant is found all over land and water. There are insects, fish, birds and animals. This animal can fly away. Rice, millet, millet. These six valleys are eaten by people. Horses, cattle and sheep, chickens and dogs. These six kinds of animals are fed by people. This is called anger and sadness. Love evil desires, seven emotions. Green, red and yellow, black and white.
These five colors are recognized by the eyes. Sour and bitter, spicy and salty. All five flavors are contained in the mouth. The smell is burnt and rotten. These five smells are smelled with the nose. Earth leather, wood, stone and gold. Sishu is an octave. When it comes to peace, it means going in. These four sounds should be coordinated. Great grandfather, father and body. Body and son, son and grandson. From descendants to Xuanzang. It's a family of nine. It's a human relationship.
Father and son, couple from. Brothers are friends, and brothers are respectful. Young, friends, friends. You are loyal to your subjects. These ten meanings are shared by all. When telling the truth, don't violate it. Chop Cui Zi, big or small. Get rid of hemp, and five clothes will end. Rites and music shoot, books count. The ancient six arts are gone today. Only calligraphy, people * * *.
Educated, talking, talking. There are ancient prose, big seal script. Follow the grass and don't mess around. If you learn widely, you are afraid of its complexity. But in short, you can know the original. Pay attention to every training. Detailed exegesis and clear sentence reading. As a scholar, you must have a start. At the end of primary school, four books were found. The Analects of Confucius, twenty articles. Group of disciples, remember the words well. Mencius, only seven articles. Morality, benevolence and righteousness.
Be a golden mean, think twice before you act. Impartiality is not easy. Being a university is Ceng Zi. Self-cultivation. Filial piety is familiar, and four books are familiar. Such as the six classics, can only be read. Poetry, calligraphy and painting are easy, and the ceremony is spring and autumn. No.6 classic, when pressure. There are mountains, and there are back to Tibet. There are details of Zhouyi and Sanyi. There are rules and instructions. There is an oath that this book is Austria. I, Duke Zhou, make a ceremony.
Write six officials to save the body. Big and small, note the Book of Rites. Speak holy words, prepare ceremonies and music. That's called the national wind, and that's called Yasong. The fourth poem should be satirized. Poetry is dead. It was written in the Spring and Autumn Period. Combine praise with criticism, not good and evil. The third passer has a ram. And left and right. When the classics are clear, you can read them. Summarize its essentials and remember its events. Wuzi, Xunyang.
Wen Zhongzi, and Lao Zhuang. Jing Zitong, reading history. Test the pedigree and know the ending. From Nong to Huangdi. No, it's Huang San, ranking first in the world. Tang Youyu, the second emperor. It is a prosperous time of mutual admiration. There is rain in summer, but there is still a hall. Zhou and Yu are also called the Three Kings. Xia Chuanzi, home to the world. In 400, we moved to the lower society. Tang Chesha, a country name businessman. 600 years, till death.
Zhou Wuwang, the beginning of Zhuzhou. Eight hundred years, the longest. Zhou,, fell down. Fight, but lobby. It started in the Spring and Autumn Period and ended in the Warring States Period. Five tyrants are strong, and seven males are out. Win the Qin family and merge. Pass on two, Chu and Han contend. Gao Zuxing, Han. For filial piety, Wang Mang usurped the throne. Guang Wuxing was the Eastern Han Dynasty. Finally, 400 years.
Wei Shuwu, for Ding Han. The Three Kingdoms, all the way to the Jin Dynasty. Song Qiji, Liang,. For the Southern Dynasties, Jinling was the capital. Northern Wei Yuan, divided things. Yu Wenzhou and Gao Qi. Dragon to Sui, a place of space. No more communication, no unified thinking. Tang Gaozu, uprising division. Apart from the rebellion in the Sui Dynasty, the foundation of the country. Twenty stories, 300 years. When the beam goes out, the country changes. Liang and han and zhou dynasties.
It's called five generations for a reason. Yan, Zhou Chan. Eighteen passes, mixed north and south. Liao and Jin Du are emperors. Yuan destroyed Jin and Song died. Wide map, one generation ahead. In 90, the country was abolished. Taizu xing, the country is Daming. Hongwu, the capital of Jinling. He became an ancestor and moved to Yanjing. Sixteen, to Chongzhen. Control the power of the boss, Kourulin. When Li Chong went out, the artifact burned.
Qing shizu, pretending to be a king. Jing Sifang, Ke Dading. Authors: Kang Yong, Li Ganjia. The people live and work in peace and contentment with remarkable achievements. Between Daoxian and xian county, there is chaos. At the beginning of Britain and France, the commotion was contemptible. After the same light, Xuan Tong is weak. Pass on the nine emperors, and the Qing Dynasty will die. The revolution was successful and the monarchy was abolished. Establish the Constitution and the Republic of China. Ancient and modern history, all in this. You know the rise and fall of chaos. Although the history is complicated, I have read it several times.
Historical records 1, hanshu 2. After the Han dynasty, the national record was four. Syndrome and meridian refer to mirror. Read history, test records. Through the past and the present, if you are close to your eyes. Memorize with your mouth, but only with your heart. In the future, at night. Yesterday, Zhong Ni studied under the guidance of Xiang Tuo. Ancient sages were diligent in learning. Zhao, read Lu Lun. He is an official and diligent in his studies. Weave with pu and cut bamboo slips. He has no books and knows how to encourage.
Hold your head high! Pierced his thigh! Nobody urged them to go on working. Like fireflies, like snow Although the family is poor, they never stop studying. For example, negative salary, such as hanging horns. Although tired, the body is still bitter. Sue, 27 years old. Read books on fire. He is old, but he still regrets it. You should think about it earlier, young man. If Liang Hao, 82. Yes, big court, Quidditch. What you do is different.
You must have determination when you are young. Ying is eight years old and can recite poems. I am seven years old and can play chess. People are surprised that he is enlightened. Be effective when you are young. Cai Wenji can play the piano. Xie Daowen can sing hymns. She is a clever woman. Dude, be a COP. Tang Fang is seven years old. Raise prodigies and do orthography. Although Yan is young, she has become an official. If there is a promising person, so is it.
Dog vigil, chicken morning. Be a man if you don't learn. Silkworms spin silk and bees make honey. People who don't learn are inferior to things. Study when you are young and walk strongly. To the king, to the people. Make a name for yourself and show it to your parents. The light is ahead and the margin is behind. The posthumous son Jin Man won. My godson, the only way. Diligence is meritorious, drama is useless. If you quit, you have to fight.
2. Translation.
People are born with good nature. The essence of kindness is very close to each other, and later, because of the different living and learning environments, the differences are getting bigger and bigger. If you don't receive a good education as soon as possible, the nature of kindness will change with the influence of the environment. The so-called preconceptions, not careless! As for educational methods, we should focus on making children concentrate and have determination. The choice of courses should be based on specialization, rather than seeking extensive knowledge.
. In ancient times, Mencius' mother moved three times to find a favorable educational environment for Mencius. I moved from the cemetery to the market and moved to school again and again. ) Once Mencius didn't study hard and played truant to go home. Meng Mu cut half a piece of weaving in front of him.
And warned him: the truth of reading, just like weaving, must weave the wool one by one. Through continuous efforts, step by step can be made into inches, step by step can be made into feet, and finally a complete and useful cloth can be woven; The same is true of reading. You should study hard and persevere. Over time, you can achieve something. Otherwise, it's like weaving in half. Once all the previous efforts are in vain, it's useless.
In the Five Dynasties, there was a Dou Yujun (also known as Dou Yanshan) who educated his children according to the teachings of sages, so all five sons were very successful and could show off their homes. It is parents' dereliction of duty to give birth to a child if they only know how to feed and don't educate. Teachers teach students not only knowledge and skills, but also the truth of life.
Enable students to get along well with others, do things in an orderly way and live a healthy, happy and meaningful life. Therefore, the requirements for students must be serious and strict, and we must not be lazy, so as to teach good students. It's wrong to be a child without studying hard! When I was young, I refused to work hard and study hard. What can you do when you are old?
A piece of jade, if not carved, cannot be a useful tool; People are the same. If you don't study, you can't understand the truth of being a man and doing things. I wonder if those things are reasonable or not. Should you do it? As children, we should be close to our mentors and friends when we are young, and learn the etiquette of dealing with people, coping, advancing and retreating.
Huang Xiang was born in Jiangxia, Eastern Han Dynasty. When he was nine, he knew how to be filial to his parents. When the weather is hot in summer, he fans his parents' bed with a fan and then puts them to bed. When it is cold in winter, he will warm the quilt for his parents first, and then let them sleep peacefully.
Such filial piety is the duty of every child. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Kong Rong was only four years old, so he knew to comity his brother, let him eat big pears, and choose small ones himself.
This virtue of respecting and caring for brothers should be educated and cultivated as soon as possible. The first important thing to be a man is to be filial to parents and love brothers. The second important thing is to broaden one's knowledge, understand the changes of characters and study the articles of ancient sages to cultivate one's morality. The first is the beginning of the number. Ten tens is one hundred, ten hundred is one thousand, and ten thousand is ten thousand. This accumulation can be endless.
The ancients believed that the basic elements that constitute the phenomenon and meaning of life are: heaven, earth and people; "Heaven" refers to the space on which everything depends, including the endless movement of the sun, the moon and the stars, and the change of seasons without confusion. There is a certain order between day and night; Land' refers to the geographical conditions and various products where everything grows; Man is the spirit of all things, and all things should be nurtured according to heaven and earth.
The three light sources are the sun, the moon and the stars. The three most important ethical relationships between people are: the virtue of monarch and minister, the affection between father and son, and the sum of husband and wife. Spring, summer, autumn and winter have their own characteristics in a year, which goes back and forth and never stops. Spring ploughing, summer transportation, autumn harvest and winter storage) The four seasons change because the earth revolves around the sun.
East, south, west and north all correspond to each other on the basis of the central government. The ancients regarded wood, fire, earth, gold and water as five basic characteristics of matter, which were called five elements. The changes of these five elements were summarized by mathematical principles, and it was found that there was a mutual relationship between them, such as aquatic wood, wood fire, fire earth and earth gold. Jin Kemu, wood and earth are compatible with water, water and fire.
A, B, C, D, E, G, N, there are ten heavenly stems, and the earthly branches refer to: Zi Chou Mao Yinchen has applied to guard the sea at noon, and there are twelve earthly branches, all of which are symbols of ancient people's calculation of time; Ground branches are used to calculate the daily time, such as: midnight finger 1 1 to 1, ugly finger 1 to 3, noon finger 1 1 3.
Heavenly stems and earthly branches cooperates with each other to calculate years, such as Jiazi Year and Ugly Year. The ecliptic is the orbit of the sun in space and the equator is the center line of the earth, which divides the earth into the southern hemisphere and the northern hemisphere. It is tropical near the equator, and the temperature is extremely hot. China is located in the eastern part of the northern hemisphere. Because of its vast area, it includes tropical zone, temperate zone and frigid zone.
Our country has beautiful mountains and rivers. Among the rivers, the Yangtze River is the largest, followed by the Yellow River, Huaihe River and Jishui River. These four rivers finally flow eastward into the sea. Mount Taishan in Dongyue, Huashan in Xiyue, Songshan in Zhongyue, Hengshan in Beiyue and Hengshan in Nanyue. These five mountains are called the Five Mountains, which are the five famous mountains in China.
Scholars are scholars, scholars, agriculture, industry and commerce, and are the basic elements of forming a society and building a country. Benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and faith maintain the relationship between people. These five principles will never change and must be observed and cannot be confused.
There are many kinds of creatures growing on the earth, such as vegetation, belonging to plants, all over the land and water. As for animals, there are insects, fish, birds and beasts. Some of them can fly in the air, some walk on land and some live in water.
Rice, sorghum, soybean, wheat, millet (glutinous rice), millet (non-sticky) and so on. Six kinds of cereals are the staple food for human consumption; China has a vast territory, rich products, different climate, customs and people's feelings, so the staple food is different.
Horses, cows, sheep, chickens, dogs and pigs are all raised by human beings and have their own contributions. Joy, anger, sadness, fear, attachment, hatred and longing for worldly desires are all for everyone.
Blue, red, yellow, black and white are the five colors defined by China in ancient times, which are called five colors (positive colors). We can easily distinguish them with our eyes. Sour, bitter, sweet (sweet), spicy (spicy) and alkali are the five flavors contained in food.
Mutton (mutton) smell, burnt smell, fragrance, fishy smell and rotten smell are the five smells that our noses smell. Melon mud ancient people made musical instruments (such as sheng and jade), the skin refers to cowhide, which can be made into musical instruments called drums, which have inspiring effects, such as Jin drums, waist drums and wave drums.
Wooden musical instruments include wooden fish, bangzi, clapper, wishing and tuning. (often used in the ceremony of offering sacrifices to Confucius), stone musical instruments include Qing (stone Qing), and metal musical instruments include bells, gongs, cymbals and cymbals. Silk musical instruments are called silk, because China used silk as strings in ancient times, including Qin, Qin, Zheng and later Hu Qin, Pipa, violin and guitar.
Bamboo musical instruments are made of perforated bamboo tubes, which are mainly divided into flute (transverse blowing) and flute (direct blowing). The above eight musical instruments can be regarded as the representatives of eight tones, and' music' can reconcile body and mind, and it complements' ceremony'. Ping, Shang, Qu and Ru are the four tones in ancient times. When you speak, you should pronounce it correctly so that people can hear you clearly.
Great-great-grandfather represents three generations, that is, great-great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather and grandfather, then father himself, then son, grandson, great-grandson and great-grandson. A family of nine generations is called Jiuzu, including the last four generations and the next four generations. Is our immediate blood relatives, and their closest relationship. It is the basic ethical relationship between the young and the old in the family. The following is the five ethics, and the five ethics have the principle of treating each other.
The father is kind and filial, the father is kind and loving, the son is filial, and the husband and wife are smooth. Husband and wife should respect and understand each other. As for brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters should take good care of them and respect them.
There should be an ethical order between the young and the old, friends should be honest and trust each other sincerely, leaders should respect their subordinates, and subordinates should be loyal to their duties and be conscientious to the chief executive. From the kindness of father and son to the loyalty of ministers, everyone should abide by these ten principles, understand the relationship between relatives and friends, and pay attention to the order that cannot be violated.
In ancient times, parents, grandparents, brothers, uncles, grandfathers, cousins and other relatives all wore mourning clothes with certain etiquette when they died, which should not be confused. Learning etiquette, music, archery, riding a carriage, calligraphy and mathematics are six skills taught to children by the ancients, which are called six arts. Students nowadays don't have these talents.
Only by practicing writing, everyone still abides by it. After understanding Chinese characters, we should explain the structure and significance of learning Chinese characters.
China's writing has a long history and unique significance. Oracle Bone Inscriptions and Zhong Dingwen came first, followed by Da Zhuan and Xiao Zhuan, followed by Li Shu and cursive script, all of which should be clearly distinguished.
The knowledge between heaven and earth is boundless. If everyone wants to learn, I'm afraid they can't. It is better to choose an in-depth, long-term training, accumulate over time and work hard, and naturally achieve something. The rest just need to know the outline and the source. Anyone who teaches beginners must pay attention to teaching methods, explain the principles in detail and tell the facts clearly.
It is necessary to understand the reading methods of text chapters and sentences and how to divide them. In order to lay a good foundation, you must have a good start in your study. You should be familiar with the Primary School Book written by Zhu in Song Dynasty, learn Sweeping Ying and Six Arts, and then go deep into Sishu University.
The Analects of Confucius is a record of Confucius and Old Master Q's teaching and preaching. There are twenty articles in it The content is that Confucius' students record the words and deeds of saints, talk about life, talk about life, talk about benevolent governance, including the dialogue between teachers and students, or the record of questions and answers between students, which is very valuable.
There are seven articles in Mencius' book * * *, which is a book in which students Zhang Wan and Gong Sunchou record teachers' words and deeds. The content is all about morality, benevolence and righteousness, such as advocating kingliness, rejecting hegemony, clarifying goodness and rejecting heresy. This is a model of governing the country politically. The book "The Doctrine of the Mean" was written by Kong Ji, the grandson of Confucius (Kong Ji thought of words, and the ancients matched words with words and followed suit).
China people are impartial, mediocrity is not easy to change, and the doctrine of the mean is impartial and will never change, which is the most reasonable thing in the world. This book was written by Ceng Zi, a student of Confucius. There are ten chapters in this book, which tell the truth of a person from self-cultivation to governing the country.
Chapter 18 of the Book of Filial Piety is a book that clarifies filial piety. As the saying goes,' all virtues and filial piety come first'. Therefore, when learning knowledge, the ancients should first read the Book of Filial Piety, and then read four books to understand the truth of being a man. With the foundation of knowledge, they can learn these profound classics of the Six Classics.
The Book of Songs, The Book of Changes, The Book of Rites, Zhou Li and The Spring and Autumn Annals are all called the Six Classics, and anyone who is interested in reading them should study the truth carefully. There were three versions of the Book of Changes in ancient times. Lianshan, Guizang and Zhouyi were called Sanyi, and Lianshan and Guizang were lost. There is only one version of Zhouyi handed down now, which was revised by Kong. The theory in the book is more detailed and easier to understand.
The book classics include six documents: canon, exegesis, oath and destiny. Canon: Nagano. Yao Dian and Shun Dian are not easy for the emperor. Hume is a strategy put forward by ministers, such as Dayu Hume.
Training: Teaching is also a minister's advice to the monarch, such as Yi Xun. The Duke of Zhou formulated the "Rites of the Week" to establish the political system of the country by dividing officials into different posts. The six officials are the six Qing, including heavenly officials: official department, official department, local officials: official department, spring official, official department, official department, Xia official, Ministry of War, criminal department, official department and Ministry of Industry. They all belonged to the emperor, and each managed state affairs, which kept a good record for future generations.
According to the genre, The Book of Songs can be divided into four styles, namely, national style, refined custom and fu, which are collectively called four poems. In ancient times, there were poems and songs, and the national style was to collect folk songs from vassal countries. Elegance is also a song sung on formal occasions. "Ya" is a poem used by princes and emperors in pilgrimage, and "Xiaoya" is a poem used by emperors to entertain guests.
Ode is a kind of music song used in ancestral temple sacrifice, including Zhou Song, Truffle and Ode to Shang Dynasty. Biography is a book that explains classics. These three biographies are annotations to Chunqiu. There are Lu's Biography of Ram, Zuo Qiuming's Zuozhuan of Confucius' contemporaries, and Gu Liangchi's Biography of Han Dynasty.
Among them, Zuo Zhuan's use of chronology as the annotation of Chunqiu is the most commendable. Everything about emperors and generals, articles about military reform, rites and music, and the reasons for their rise and fall are recorded in detail, which is the best choice for studying Spring and Autumn Annals.
There are many books in hundred schools of thought, so it is called a hundred schools. Among them, Xunzi, Yangzi, Wenzhong, Laozi and Zhuangzi are the most important. Xunzi was a famous Chu man in the Warring States Period. He wrote a book called Xunzi, which preached the theory of "evil nature" and believed that there were some disadvantages in human nature, such as greed and profit-seeking, so he paid special attention to etiquette and teaching, hoping to guide improvement through educational means, among which "persuasion" was particularly famous.
Yangzi was born in Yang Xiong, a native of Chengdu in Han Dynasty. He wrote two books, Xuan Jing and Fa Yan, and Xuan Jing was based on the Book of Changes. In the literature, Wang is the author of jing yuan and Zhong Shuo. From Fuxi, Shennong to Huangdi, these three ancient monarchs were called "Huang San" by later generations. In prehistoric times, there was no written record, so there was no way to research ancient things.
Tang Yao and Yu Shun, both known as the emperors of the two dynasties, regarded the country as a public instrument, passing on sages instead of descendants, and abdicating to sages, which created a peaceful and prosperous time because of no selfishness. The first monarch of Xia Dynasty was Dayu, who controlled water, dredged nine rivers and led floods into the sea, and the people supported him.
Therefore, Shun Di passed the throne to him. Yu Xia, Shang Tang, Zhou Wenwang and Zhou Wuwang are known as "three generations of holy kings" for their talents. Later, I was going to pass the throne to Yi, because people missed Yu's achievements in water control, and his son Qi was very talented, so the princes made him the son of heaven.
China has been a family ever since. The Xia dynasty passed down for 400 years and changed again. During the reign of Xia Jie, because he was cruel and heartless, he launched a Crusade and established a new dynasty-Shang Dynasty. It spread for more than 600 years and died in Zhou Wang. Zhou Wenwang was kind, and all the governors came to join him. Until Zhou Wuwang, because Zhou Wang is bohemian.
Only then did he unite with the governors to crusade against Zhou Wang, and established the Zhou Dynasty, which lasted for 874 years and was the longest dynasty in the history of China. Zhou Wuwang established its capital in Haojiang, known as the Western Zhou Dynasty in history, and renamed it the Eastern Zhou Dynasty after moving the capital to Zhou Pingwang. After moving eastward, the prestige of the royal family was low, the discipline and political system of the royal family gradually disintegrated, and the princes became kings. In order to expand their power, they quarreled with each other and the world became chaotic.
Some consultants and speculators took the opportunity to rise and travel around the world as lobbyists, seeking fame and fortune and lobbying among countries. Some advocate Lian Heng, while others advocate union. From then on, there is no peace in the world. Qin Shiwang, whose surname was Sheng Ming Dynasty, adopted Zhang Yi's strategy of Lian Heng diplomacy, making friends and attacking from afar, thus crushing the six countries, annexing their territories, unifying the world (China) and calling himself Qin Shihuang.
Unfortunately, those who are unkind and cruel and heartless are miserable. In the second generation of Hu Hai, Xiang Yu and Liu Bang, the counter-violence team, pushed them away. Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu, and Liu Bang, Hanwang, fought for more than 70 rounds. Finally, Xiang Yu was defeated and committed suicide, and the world was reunified. Emperor gaozu Liu Bang rose to establish the Han Dynasty, which was the first civilian emperor in history.
It spread to Han Pingping, the first emperor 1 1, and was seized by Wang Mang's concubine. After Wang Mang usurped the Han Dynasty, he changed his name to the new one. Liu Xiu, Emperor Guangwu of Han Dynasty, revived the Han Dynasty, pushed Wang Mang and established Luoyang as its capital, which is called the Eastern Han Dynasty in history. (The era before Wang Mang was called the Western Han Dynasty) * * * was circulated in the Han Dynasty for more than 400 years and was abolished by Cao Cao's son Cao Pi when he went to Xian Di in the Han Dynasty.
Wei (Cao Cao and Cao Pi), Shu (Liu Bei) and Wu (Sun Quan) fought for the Han family, which is called the Three Kingdoms Period. It was not until the Jin Dynasty (Sima Yan) succeeded to the throne and destroyed the Three Kingdoms that the chaotic situation ended. Due to the chaos in China, the capital moved to Jiankang in the south of the Yangtze River, which was called the Eastern Jin Dynasty. After more than a hundred years, the Jin Dynasty was usurped by Liu Yu in Jin 'an and entered the era of the Southern and Northern Dynasties.
The north is ruled by foreigners, and the court in the south is called the Southern Dynasty. In order to distinguish them from other dynasties, historians added the word' Nan' to the names of these four countries, namely Southern Song Dynasty, Nanqi, Nanliang and Nanchen, all of which established their capitals in Jinling (Nanjing). After the establishment of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Tuoba Gui paid attention to the education of rites and music and implemented the policy of sinicization, so he changed his surname to Wei Yuan, which was quite famous in history.
Xiao Zhi is divided into Eastern Wei and Western Wei. Soon, Yuwen Zhou usurped the Western Wei Dynasty to establish the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and Gao Yang usurped the Eastern Wei Dynasty to establish the Northern Qi Dynasty. Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty established the Sui Dynasty, which ended the Northern and Southern Dynasties and unified the world (China). This is Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty.
Emperor Wen knew well the sufferings of the people and worked hard and loved the people all his life, but unfortunately he didn't know anyone. Because he turned his second son Yang Guang into a prince, he planted a curse. Emperor Yang Guang of Yang Di was dissolute, arrogant and ambitious. As a result of years of conquest, the people in the world are in dire straits, which has aroused condemnation from all sides. After only one generation, the Sui Dynasty died in 38 years.
The Tang Dynasty passed down for 20 generations, and the national movement lasted for nearly 300 years. It was not until Zhu Quanzhong destroyed the Tang Dynasty that the title was changed to Hou Liang. In order to distinguish it from the previous dynasty, the word "Hou" was added. Hou Liang, the later Tang Dynasty, the later Jin Dynasty, the later Han Dynasty and the later Five Dynasties are called the Five Dynasties.
The life span of the Five Dynasties is very short, and there is a reason for its rise and fall. Zhao Kuangyin accepted the abdication of Emperor Gong in the later Zhou Dynasty, and established the Song Dynasty (actually forcing Emperor Gong to abdicate), because he only advocated civil administration and not military affairs, and the national situation declined greatly. The Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty spread to the eighteenth generation and were unified by the Yuan Dynasty. The territory of Mongolian Empire is unprecedented, which is bigger than the most powerful Han and Tang dynasties in China. However, because of racial discrimination, religious persecution and high-handed policies (emphasizing force over civil affairs), it was only circulated for 90 years and was pushed by Zhu Yuanzhang.
Ming Taizu Uprising, which lasted 18 years, finally completed the great cause of reunification, changed the name of the country to Ming, named Hongwu, and made Nanjing its capital. When the Ming Dynasty became the ancestor, the capital moved to Yanjing (Beijing), which was handed down for sixteen generations, and it didn't end until the arrival of Emperor Chongzhen.
The Ming Dynasty perished because eunuchs were politically corrupt, taxes were heavy, and the people could not afford it, so bandits and robbers were everywhere. Li Zicheng, the most famous bandit at that time, claimed to be the king and led his army into Beijing. Seeing that the general trend had gone, Chongzhen hanged himself in Jingshan Park, ending the 277-year history of the Ming Dynasty.
Qing sai-jo claimed to be resigned and entered the Central Plains, quelling the bandits' insurrection and restoring world stability. Shi Zuqing was the first emperor of Manchu Dynasty, and later passed it on to Kangxi. Yongzheng experienced Qianlong and Jiaqing. /kloc-for more than 0/00 years, the country was prosperous and the people's lives were stable and prosperous because of clear politics and good governance. It is really commendable that foreign governance can pay equal attention to both civil and military affairs.
During the reign of Daoguang Xianfeng, the country's situation gradually weakened, and domestic troubles and foreign invasion came one after another. Civil strife is the rise of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and foreign invasion is often harassed and invaded by Britain and France for trade. After the death of Emperor Xianfeng, Empress Dowager Cixi came to power, and political ethics were rampant. In addition, she was incompetent and arbitrary, favoring eunuchs and listening to the words of villains, which led to the chaos of state affairs and the collapse of the Qing Dynasty.
Our founding father, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, led the revolutionary martyrs, fought bloody battles, abolished the imperial system, established the first democratic republic in Southeast Asia, formulated a five-power constitution and established the Republic of China. Throughout the ages, from the Three Emperors and Five Emperors to the Qing Dynasty, 25 dynasties have been here. We can learn the reasons for the rise and fall from the chaos control process of each dynasty, and we should also learn the lessons from history to avoid repeating the same mistakes.
Although there are many historical books, we still need to follow the second order when studying in order to understand the truth. First of all, we should read Historical Records, then Hanshu, then Hanshu, and The History of the Three Kingdoms. These four books are called' Four History', and their contents are the most accurate. At the same time, we should seek other classics to prove it, take history as a mirror, understand the whole history and avoid generalizing.
People who study history must examine the materials that record historical facts, one point of evidence, one point of speech, one point of evidence and one point of speech.
Only in this way can we truly understand the history of the past and the present, just like witnessing it with our own eyes. The way to read is not only to read with your mouth, to recite, but also to think with your heart. You should not only study hard during the day, but also strive for perfection at night in order to memorize it.
Once upon a time, Kong heard that there was a seven-year-old prodigy in Lu. Although he is only seven years old, the master still regards him as a teacher. A sage like Kong is really shameless. We should meet the sage Siqi! In Song Dynasty, Zhao Pu (former prime minister of the Central Secretariat) was good at reading The Analects of Confucius. Although he is a prime minister, he still studies hard and says that "ruling the world with half the Analects of Confucius" is a beautiful talk.