Chinese lyrics of eminem. 8. mlie Thank you, God help.
some times I just feel like, quit tin, sometimes I just feel, quit tin, I still mic, why do I put up this fight, why do I still have a military industry, why did I post this battle? Why do I write, some times its hard enough just dealing with real life, and sometimes my efforts are not fair enough to treat real life, some times I just wanna jump on stage and just kill mice, Sometimes I just dance ten thousand episodes of murder, justice and show the people what my level of skills like on the stage, which shows that the technical level of our country, like who, but some times I just hate life, is still white. Sometimes I just don't want to live something in right, hit the brake lights, one thing is wrong, and I have stage fright when I hit the brake light case of this stage light, draw on the plane flight. Draw lessons from the plane flight Call but I might fall, but I appeal that it may fall. It aint my fault breaking my balls. I broke my inside crawl and I clammed up, and I got up with my inside, I just slam shut, I just cant do it, I just have no choice, I just make an inclined plane, my whole man-hood, just bee stripped, I have just been deprived of it, I just be picked so I must then get on the bus then split, So I'm going back to college, I just got on the bus and then split man fuck this shit, yo im going the fuck home, this man's fucking bullshit, Out of my fucking home, the world on my shoulders as I run back to this contain my room ... The world is on my shoulder, and I ran back:: This is not my room. Chorus sang I Im a man, Im a make a new plan, and I made a new plan. Time for me to just stand up and travel new land, when I got up to travel to a new land, time to leave and just take matters into my own hands, as long as time permits, Once im over the track man im a never look back, once these tracks turn into a man who never comes back, and im gone and I know right where im goin', and the intestinal metaplasia goes, I know the right to sell now. Sorry momma im grow, I must travel alone, metaplasia I'm sorry my mother grew up, I have to travel alone, I'm making my own, not without followin in the footsteps, Put my intestines, only way that I know how to escape from, this contains my room ... Only in this way, I know how to escape, this is not my room:: Verse 2 February poem Walking the train tracks trying to return, These train tracks walk to try to take back the spirit I have before I go back to the same crap. In my spirit, I go back to the same nonsense, To the same plant, in the same pants, Trying to chase rap, Gottamove A.S.A.P., Chase tried to knock, Gotta sincerely A.S.A.P., Gotta get a new plan, mommasgotta Newman, Gotta find a new plan, new Mommas Gotta male Poor little baby sister, She dont understand, poor little baby sister, she shouldn't know sits in front of the TV, buries her nose in the pad, sitting in front of the TV, Her nose was buried at the bottom and just colors till the crayon got dulled in her hand, and the color of crayons and justice were dulled until her hand, While she just colors her big brother and mother and dad, although she is just color and her big brother and mom and dad, there is no telling what really goes on in her little head. There's the Year of the Monkey, and then she has a big head, Wish that I could be the daddy that another one of us had. I hope my father can say that there is no one left, but I keep running from something I never wanted so bad. But I never wanted me to get it wrong, some times I get up set, cause I ain't blew up yet, sometimes I'm not very happy, my career is not to blow up but its like I grew up but I ain't grown up to nuts yet, but I think I've grown up. Do you grow nuts, but don't get a rep, my step, don't get enough pep, you shouldn't have a certificate, my step, you shouldn't be sharp enough, the pressures too much man im just trying to do what is best, Men who are under too much pressure are just doing the best and I try, sit alone and I cry, yo I won't tell her why, I try, I cry and sit alone, and I am used to telling her why I'm yo, not a moment goes by that I look right at the sky, Without a moment's passage, I think it's in the blue sky, Please Im begging you god, please, please let me be fishin holding no regular job, Please allow me not to be held regularly by fishin. Yo I hope you will be getting home, where va you are, yo hope you go home, where va, yo im telling you dog, im bailing this trailer tomorrow, Tell you about the dog intestines. Tell my mother I love her tomorrow, kiss baby sister goodbye, tell mom that I love her, kiss the baby sister goodbye, say when never you need me to baby, im never to far, whenever you need me to say that the baby girl intestines are always far away, But yo I gotta get out there, the only way I know, but I gotta walked out, so I also know, and I am a be back for you that second I blow, and I came back, and I gave you the second blow. On everything I own, ill make it on my own, everything about myself, making myself sick, off to work I go, back to this stay my room ... the work I have been to, Back to the room:: This is not my Chorus Verse 3 March poem You Got to Live It To Feel It, You Didnt Then You wouldnt Get It, you live it and feel it, you have to be fit, and then you wouldnt, Well see what the big deal is, why was and stillis, what's the fuss about, and why the deduction is to be walking this border of Detroit city limits, Taking this line is Detroit's limit its difference in it, a certain significance of certificate. The difference is that in a certain sense, certificate of authentication, you never see but its everything to me, true, But all its youds haven't seen me, its my credibilarty, you never seen, heard, smelta medatamc, its own credibilarty, you have seen and heard it. Smell a Mediterranean telecommunications emcee, whosincreable on the same pedestal as me, whosincredable for me on the same pedestal, the Chaque Still Unsigned, having a rough time, or a hostile signature. After a rough time sit on the porche with all my friends and kick dumb rhymes, all the friends sitting in Porsche and kicking dumb poems go to work and serve MCS in the lunch line, Go to work wholeheartedly, the management Committee is on the lunch route but when it comes to crunch time, where do my punch lines go, but when it comes to austerity, where do I go, who must I show, to bust my flow, where must I go, Who must I know, I must explain that my bust stream, if I want to go there, they must understand, Or am I just another grabbing the bucket or just another taking my bucket, cause I ain't having no luck with this little rappers so fuck it. I'm not without reason, and this luck is so fucking small. Need a new outlet, im starting to double shit, maybe I need a new way out, and I begin to doubt bowel movements, im feeling a little skeletal who I hang out with, and I feel a little suspicious of who has been pitted, I look like a bum, Yo my clothes aint about shit, I look like a burn, clothes are not my bullshit, at the salvation army trying to salvage an outfit, the Salvation Army is rescuing an equipment, and its cold trying to travel this road, Try this road with the cold, plus I feel like I always stuck in this batting mode, Plus, I like metaplasia batteling to stay in this mode all the time. My defenses are so up one thing don't want it from no one. I don't think of such a thing. Unfortunately, no one has ever, This city is no fun, there is no