During the Warring States Period, the State of Qin sent troops to besiege Handan, the capital of Zhao. Zhao asked Wei for help, and Wei sent troops to save Zhao. When Qin heard that Wei sent troops to save Zhao, he sent people to Wei to threaten Wang Wei. Wang Wei gave in to Qin and ordered those who went to save Zhao to stay where they were. So he wrote to Xin, the son of Wei State, for help.
Xinlingjun once avenged Wang Wei's favorite concubine, such as Ji, for killing his father. Xin Lingjun let Ruji steal the military symbol from Wang Wei, thus seizing the military power, leading tens of thousands of soldiers to Handan, defeating Qin Jun and solving the siege of Handan; Wei lost his last pillar. Eighteen years later, Wei was destroyed by Qin. On the whole, judging from the final outcome, Wei Wuji, the Xinlingjun, is quite bleak.
Tiger symbol source
The so-called tiger symbol, that is, the military symbol, was used by the emperor as a token at that time. Small tokens in the shape of tigers or crouching tigers are made of bronze staggered gold. The secret of this card is that it is divided into two halves, the monarch and the general each hold half, and there are mortises and mortises on the back of the left and right symbols, which correspond one to one. When the characters arrive at the monarch, only the tigers in the same group can send troops together, which is also the origin of the word conformity.
It is reported that the roller was invented by Jiang Ziya, a strategist in Zhou Dynasty. In order to convey orders and avoid mistakes in mobilizing troops, it can be called a password to ensure safety in ancient times when communication equipment was primitive. In fact, tiger totem worship has been popularized as early as ancient times, and the totem of Fuxi clan is the tiger. After the Qin and Han Dynasties, the dragon was said to be the only thrill, and Fuxi was regarded as the head of Huang San, so the tiger easily became a dragon. From then on, some people said that the head was the dragon body.
Refer to the above content: Baidu Encyclopedia-Tiger Symbol