Psalm 9 praises God's just judgment.

1 I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart, and I will tell you all your wonderful works.

I want to be happy because of you. I will sing praises to your name, O Most High.

When my enemy turned and retreated, he fell down and died as soon as he saw your face.

4, because you avenge me and defend me; You sit on a throne and judge righteously.

5. You rebuke the foreigners, destroy the wicked, and blot out their names forever and ever.

When the enemy came to an end, they were wiped out forever. You tore down their city, and even their names are gone.

7, but the Lord always sits as king! He has set up a throne for the trial.

8. He will judge the world in righteousness and the people in righteousness.

9. The Lord will also be a high platform for the oppressed and a high platform in times of trouble.

10, Lord! Those who know your name will trust in you, because you have not abandoned those who seek you.

1 1 Sing praises to the LORD who lives in Zion, and proclaim his deeds among all peoples.

12, because those who pursue bloody crimes never forget the wronged and the poor's plea.

13, Lord! You lifted me from the door of death; Have pity on me and look at the pain that those who hate me have brought me.

14 that I may declare all your virtues, and I will shout for joy at the gate of Zion for your salvation.

15, the Gentiles are trapped in the pit they dug; Their feet were entangled in the net they had hidden.

16, the Lord has revealed himself and has executed the judgment; The wicked are entangled in the work of their own hands.

17, the wicked, even the Gentiles who forget God, will return to the underworld.

18, the poor will never be forgotten and their hopes will never fail.

19, Lord! Get up, don't let anyone win, let foreigners be judged before you.

20. Lord! Fear foreigners and let them know that they are only human beings.