2. On July 192 1 day, the birth of the Party broke through the night sky like a red sunrise and flashed in the east, turning a new page in the revolutionary history of China. From the day she was born, the great party lit up this sleeping land like a single spark; Like a flash of lightning, it marks the ideal trajectory of mankind; Like a flag, flying to meet the ups and downs. As a young party member, I often see a bright party flag with a sickle and an axe in front of me. It is this flag that has guided China's revolution and construction for 89 years.
In party flag, where countless martyrs were dyed red with blood, I saw the surging tide of overthrowing Japanese imperialism, the surging tide of fighting hunger, civil war and oppression, the surging blood wave of defending the motherland and the ripple of loving the people? Watching, I seem to have broken through time and space, and invited me to swim in the long river of history with a pair of vigorous wings and Ming Rui's eyes.