Poetry is noble, but not noble.
As for poetry, there is a saying that "poetry belongs to the nobility". Wang Jiuxin does not agree with this statement. He said: "There are not many truly outstanding poems in contemporary times, so they are valuable and precious. So some people mistakenly think that the nobility of poetry is the nobility, but have you noticed it? Excellent poems at all times and all over the world belong to the public, are written for the public and are accepted by the public from the day they are born. Although, the public may or may not understand it. For example, Qu Yuan's Li Sao and Tian Wen, whether in the Warring States period or today, some people can't understand Qu Yuan's poems, and some people can't understand them. "
Wang Jiuxin believes that the popularity of poetry refers to the popularity of thoughts and feelings, not the popularity of language and writing. "A well-educated professor can't write in vulgar slang. On the contrary, it is impossible for those who drive cars to sell pulp to write poems. But no matter how you write it, as long as the emotional position belongs to the public, then he is the public. "
Love poetry, China can really come.
Wang Jiuxin also has his own unique views on "Poetic Chang 'an Prosperous China" proposed in this poetry festival. "I think, when the people of our country respect and love poetry, China can really come. Because if the rich have only money, food and clothing, and no real poetic and romantic feelings, then they are still not rich and have not been lifted out of poverty. In this sense, "prosperous China, poetic Chang 'an" is actually the finishing touch. Without this pen, the so-called "prosperous time" is bleak, and China is without poetry.