2. Comfort you, my people (tenor) 3:38
Comfort, comfort, o my people, says your God. speak
Go to Jerusalem comfortably, cry to her and call her.
The war was over and her sins were forgiven;
... his voice shouted in the wilderness:
Prepare your
The way of the Lord; Build a straight road in the desert.
For our God.
Your God said, "Comfort, comfort my people. Say to Jerusalem
Comfort her and announce to her that her war days are over.
Sin is forgiven, ... a voice in the wilderness cries, prepare the way of the Lord in the sand.
Pave the way for our God in the desert.
Isaiah 40: 1-3
3. Every valley will be exhaled (tenor) 3:32
All the valleys will be raised, all the peaks.
A low, curved, straight and rough place.
All the valleys should be filled up, all the hills should be leveled, and the uneven ones should be leveled.
The rugged terrain in the battery area will become a plain.
Isaiah 40:4
4. Glory of the Lord (Chorus) 3:36
The glory of the Lord will be revealed
All flesh will see it together. Because the Lord himself said it.
It ...
The glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all flesh will see it together, for it is the Lord.
He said it himself.
Isaiah 40:5
5. Jehovah (Bass) 1:52 says so.
Thus says the LORD of hosts, "There is not much time.
I will shake the world, the sea and the earth.
Land; I want to shake all nations. And everyone's desire
Countries will come.
Thus says the Lord of hosts, "In a little while, I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea again.
And dry land. I want to shake all nations. The treasures of all countries will be carried away. "
Haggai 2:6-7
The Lord whom you seek will suddenly come before him.
Temple, even the angel of the Covenant, you
In; Behold, he is coming, says the Lord of hosts.
"The Lord whom you seek will suddenly enter his house," declares the Lord of hosts. conclude a contract
The messenger you admire is coming. "
Malachi 3: 1
6. But who can stand (bass)
But who can stand the day when he comes, and who can stand it?
Stand up when he appears? Because he is like a refiner.
It's on fire.
Who can afford the day when he comes? Who can stand when he appears? because
Because he is like an alchemist's flame.
Malachi 3:2
He will purify (chorus) 3: 1 1
He will cleanse the Levites so that they may
Offer a righteous sacrifice to the Lord.
He will cleanse the Levites, and the Levites will offer their offerings to the Lord in righteousness.
Malachi 3:3
8. Look, the virgin will be pregnant (contralto) 0:43.
Look! A virgin will get pregnant and give birth to a son.
Call him Emmanuel, and God is with us.
A virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and he will be named Immanuel, and God is with us.
Isaiah 7: 14 (see Matthew 1:23)
9. Good News to Zion (Chorus) 7:22
Get up, you who give good news to Zion.
Walk into the mountains; Oh, you tell good news.
Lift up your voice with your strength, O Jerusalem;
Lift it up, don't be afraid; Say to the cities of Judah,
Look at your God! Isaiah 40:9
You who give good news to Zion, climb a mountain and give good news to Jerusalem.
You should raise your voice as high as possible. Raise your voice, don't be afraid. Say to the cities of Judah, "Look!
Look, your God. "
Arise, shine, for your light is coming, and your glory is coming.
The Lord rises in you. Isaiah 60: 1
Get up! Glow! For your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has shone on you.
10. Because look, darkness will cover the earth (bass)
One to three
For, behold, darkness will cover the earth.
Dark people; But the Lord will rise up against you.
His glory will be revealed in you and the Gentiles.
Will come to your light, the brightness of the king
Your rise.
Isaiah 60:2-3
Look! Darkness covers the earth and all peoples, but the Lord will appear and shine on you.
His glory will be on you. All countries will come to your light, and the king will come.
The light you found.
1 1. People walking in the dark (bass) 4:5 1
People walking in the dark saw a great
Light; People who live in the shadow land
The light shone on them.
Isaiah 9:2
People who walk in the dark see great light; He who lives in the land of the shadow of death has light shining on him.
12. Because a child was born for us (chorus) 4:49
For a baby is born for us and a son is given to us.
The government will be on his shoulders; What's his name
Will be called wonderful, consultant, great god,
Eternal father, king of peace. Isaiah 9:6
Because a baby was born for us and a son was given to us, the regime will fall on his shoulders.
Let's go His name is wonderful, counselor, almighty God, eternal father, and
13. Fapi (Pastoral Symphony) 4:37
14. There is a shepherd (soprano) 0:59
There are some shepherds standing guard in the field.
Their flocks are at night, and behold! angelic
Arrived on them, and the glory of the Lord shone around.
About them, they are very scared.
There are shepherds in the field. They watch over the sheep at night. Look! Angel of God
Standing beside them, the glory of the Lord shines around them. Shepherds are poor.
Luke 2:8-9
15. The angel said to them (soprano) 0:53.
The angel said to them, don't be afraid. Look, I
Bring you great joy, which will be
Because I gave birth to one for you today in the city of David.
Savior, the Lord Christ.
The angel said to them, "Don't be afraid. I have good news for you.
People of all countries gave birth to a savior for you in the city of David today.
Jesus Christ. "
Luke 2:65438
16. Suddenly there was an angel (soprano) 0:2 1
Suddenly there was a large group of angels.
Heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals, praise God and say: ...
Suddenly, a large group of heavenly soldiers and angels praised God and said: Luke 2: 13.
17. Glory to the Most High God (Chorus) 2: 17
Glory to god, peace to the earth,
Kindness to men.
Glory to God in the highest place, and peace on earth to those who please him.
Luke 2: 14
18. O daughters of Zion, rejoice greatly.
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion. Shout, daughter
Jerusalem! Look, your king is coming! he is
The savior of justice, he will say to peace
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion. Shout for joy, you inhabitants of Jerusalem. Look!
Your king is coming to you. He is both fair and economical. he
I will declare peace to the world.
Zechariah 9:9- 10
19. Then the eyes of the blind (contralto) 0:3 1
At that time, the eyes of the blind will be opened and their ears will be sound.
The unimpeded access of the deaf;
At that time, the lame will jump like a deer and the lame's tongue.
Dumb people can sing.
At that time, the eyes of the blind will be opened and the ears of the deaf will be opened. Then the lame will jump up like a deer,
The dumb tongue can sing. Isaiah 35:5-6
He will feed his flock (contralto & soprano) 6: 12.
He will feed his flock like a shepherd, and so will he.
Hold the lamb in his arms.
Chest, and
Gently guide the young.
He will feed his flock like a shepherd, gather lambs with his arms, hold them in his arms, and guide them slowly.
A person who guides suckling lambs. Isaiah 40:65438
All who work hard and bear heavy burdens can come to him.
He will let you rest in peace. Put his yoke on you, and
He is gentle and humble, and you will.
Let your souls rest in peace.
Come to him, all who are tired and burdened, and he will give you rest. you
Take his yoke and learn from him, so that you will find peace in your hearts.
Matthew 1 1:28-29
2 1. His yoke is easy (chorus) 3:03
His yoke is easy, and his burden is light.
For his yoke is easy and his burden is light.
Matthew 1 1:30