1, Jinjiang greasy beauty show, Wen Jun and Xue Tao. Words steal parrot's tongue, articles get chicken hair. The guests stopped writing one by one, and all the officials wanted to dream of knives. After parting, acacia is separated by smoke and water, and the camp spends five clouds high. -Yuan "To Xue Tao"
A wind brought catkins, which made the shop icing on the cake. Wu Ji pressed the wine to persuade customers to taste it. Comrades in my city came to see me off. When each of them drank his glass, I said to him when leaving. Oh, ask this river flowing eastward, whether it can go further than the love of friends! ? -Li Bai's departure in a hotel in Nanjing
3, the meaning behind the old joke, but suddenly, in front of my eyes, you disappeared. The clothes you have worn have been given away, and I can't bear to open your sewing box. Because I miss you, I love girls very much, and many of your dreams, I will burn paper for you. No one knows that the husband and wife will be sad, and many past memories are extremely sad. -Yuan Zhen's "Three Sorrow Poems, Part Two"
4. Shili Long Street extends in all directions, and the immortals are seen on Yueming Bridge. Life only coincides with Yangzhou's death, and Zen wisdom Shan Ye takes a look at the graveyard. 11 "Tour Huainan"
5, smoke cage cold water moon cage sand, night parking Qin Zhun near the restaurant. Strong women in business don't know how to hate their country, but they still sing backyard flowers across the river. -Du Mu's "Boqin"
6. Zeguo Jiangshan entered the war map, and the people were happy. With you, you can seal Hou's business, you will succeed and your bones will wither. -Cao Song's "Yi Hai"
Knowledge expansion:
Seven-character quatrains are a form of China's ancient poems, with seven words in each sentence and 28 words in total. It is a kind of quatrains, influenced by the quatrains of the Tang Dynasty, but it is more relaxed in form and can present richer contents in ancient poetry. Seven-character quatrains, as a form of expression in China's poems, have unique charm and expressive force.
Seven-character quatrains have the following characteristics in poetry creation and expression:
1. Diverse and loose: Compared with five-character quatrains, seven-character quatrains have more words in each sentence, so they are more relaxed in expression and can show more artistic conception and emotion. Poets can express their thoughts, describe landscapes and express their emotions more freely.
2. Rich emotional expression: The seven-character quatrains have more words in each sentence, which provides more expression space for poets, and can describe emotions and artistic conception in more detail, making the poems more profound and emotional.
3. Lyricism: Seven-character quatrains are often used to express the poet's inner feelings and experiences, and to express personal thoughts, feelings and moods. With the help of this form, the poet can combine his personal feelings with the external scenery and things to create touching poems.
4. Description of scenery: Seven-character quatrains are also often used to describe natural scenery. Through vivid description and delicate lyricism, readers can feel the scenery described in the poem and enhance the artistic conception of the poem.
5. Cultural inheritance: Seven-character quatrains reached a high artistic level in the Tang Dynasty, leaving many beautiful poems. It has become one of the important carriers for future generations to learn classical poetry and inherit Chinese culture.