Confucius said water
When spring arrived, Confucius heard that the spring tide was rising in Surabaya, so he took his disciples to play by the Surabaya River.
The sun shines on the earth. The river near Surabaya is pink and green, and the grass is green. The breezy spring breeze is like a beautiful piano, accompanying the arrival of the spring. How much nature is like a great mother! The vast land is her broad mind, the dense forest is her flowing long hair, the warm sun is her bright eyes, and the warm breeze is his sweet whispers ...
Confucius' mood is very restless, just like Surabaya's ups and downs in front of him. The lively and cheerful Surabaya is rolling in from the mountains and rushing away tirelessly. Confucius looked at the Surabaya River with emotion and lost in thought. The disciples didn't know what the teacher was looking at, so they all gathered around.
Zilu asked, "What is the teacher looking at?"
Confucius said, "I'm looking at the water."
"Look at the water?" The disciples all looked at the teacher with puzzled eyes.
Yan Hui said, "A teacher always looks at water. There must be some truth in it. Can you tell us?"
Confucius stared at the green waves of Surabaya and said meaningfully, "Water is the milk that feeds all living things, and it seems to have virtue. Water has no certain shape, whether it is square or long, it will flow downward, smooth and gentle, and it seems to be affectionate. Water cuts through rocks and chisels stone walls. It is never afraid, and it seems to have ambition. When everything enters the water, it will cleanse the dirt. It seems to be good at teaching ... From this point of view, water is a true gentleman! "
The disciples were all surprised when they heard the teacher's grand talk. Who would have expected that the teacher could see such profound truth from the common running water!
On the grassy riverside, disciples gathered around the teacher, some squatting and some sitting. The teacher plucked the strings and the disciples sang along. Singing melts into the warm spring. On the banks of Surabaya River, there is a deep friendship between teachers and students. After a while, the disciples scattered in twos and threes, some picking flowers, some catching butterflies, some fishing, some playing in the water, and only Yan Hui and Zilu were accompanying the teacher. Confucius said, "Can you tell me about your aspirations?"
Zilu is a hothead, and the teacher began before his words fell: "I would like to take out my horses, chariots and clothes to enjoy with my friends, even if they are worn out or worn out, I won't care. Friends should share happiness. "
after careful consideration, gentle Yan Hui said calmly, "I hope to be a person who doesn't make contributions to myself." Confucius looked at them approvingly and nodded slightly. Zilu asked, "Can the teacher tell us about your ambition?"
Confucius said with a smile: "I hope that one day, all people can enjoy happiness in their old age, friends can trust each other, and young children can have lofty ideals."
"Yan Hui, I heard that you wrote your ambition into a song. Why not sing it to the teacher? " As Confucius said, he pushed the piano to Yan Hui, but Yan Hui did not refuse. He tuned the strings and sang while playing. Confucius first listened attentively, and after a while, he couldn't help dancing.
The spring on the banks of Surabaya River is getting stronger.