The purpose of soldiers is to defend the country. Every soldier should have a healthy body, a good constitution and a spirit of not being afraid of sacrifice. Because on the battlefield, things about the dead often happen. Therefore, soldiers should be prepared to die before the war and be prepared to die for their country. Every soldier should defend our country to the death and never give in.
"People are inherently mortal, either heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather." This is what Sima Qian, an ancient China writer, said. Soldiers died for the benefit of the people, so their death is heavier than Mount Tai, or a fair death.
However, if you want to be a qualified professional soldier, you must cultivate an independent heart from an early age and not always rely on your parents and elders. You know, relying on others is better than relying on yourself. And strengthen exercise, so that you can be a soldier.
With this ideal, I have a goal to strive for and my life has become better. I will keep moving in this direction, and I believe that one day, my ideal will come true.