Does Qin Feng without Clothes say that there are no clothes? Robe with my son. Wang Yuxing, fix my spear. Hatred with my son!
Have I nothing to wear? Take your son. Wang Yu started the division and repaired my spear and halberd Work with your son!
Have I nothing to wear? Take your son. Wang Yu started his division and trained our soldiers. Go with your son!
Who said we had no clothes to wear? Take that robe. Your majesty sent his troops to battle, trimmed my spear and killed the enemy with you as his goal.
Who said we had no clothes to wear? Take that pair of underwear. Your majesty sent his troops to battle, trimmed my spear and halberd, and set out to be with you.
Who said we had no clothes to wear? Take that dress. When fighting in Wang Fabing, armor and swordsmen will March with you to kill the enemy.
Introduction to The Book of Songs The Book of Songs is China's first poetry collection, which contains 305 poems from the early years of the Western Zhou Dynasty to the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period. The Book of Songs has three parts: style, elegance and vulgarity, and praise. Among them, the wind includes 15 national winds and 60 poems/kloc-0; Ya is divided into "Ya" and "Ya", with 105 poems; There are 40 Odes to Zhou, Lu and Shang.
This is what I sorted out. Thank you for reading.