Poetry boat, wait for me, Gopp.

Huaxin and Wang Lang are good friends. Both of them are very learned, and their virtues are praised by everyone. We can't tell who is better and who is almost.

One year, many villages and large areas of fertile land were flooded by floods, and the people complained bitterly. Huaxin and Wang Lang's hometown also suffered disasters. Houses were washed away by floods, and thieves also took advantage of the trouble to commit crimes everywhere, which was not peaceful at all. Helpless, Huaxin and Wang Lang had to flee by boat with several other neighbors.

All the people on board are here, and the goods are packed. We are about to untie the cable and set off for the offshore. At this time, a man suddenly came running in the distance, carrying luggage, panting and sweating. That man is too lazy to wipe his sweat. He waved to this side and shouted, "Don't sail yet, wait for me, wait for me!" " "

The man finally ran to the boat and said breathlessly, "The boat has been called out and no one has taken me in." I saw another ship in the distance, so I ran over ... Please ... take me with you ... Let's go together ... "

Huaxin listened and thought with a frown. He said to the man, "I'm very sorry, but our ship is full." You'd better find another way. "

Wang Lang was generous and blamed Hua Xin for saying, "Brother Hua Xin, why are you so stingy? This ship is still very rich. Freedom from destruction is not a gentleman's move. Take him. "

When Hua Xin saw Wang Lang say this, he stopped insisting on his own opinion, thought for a moment and agreed to the man's request.

Huaxin, Wang Lang and their boat left safely for a few days, and then they met a thief. The thief rowed the boat behind him, and when he saw it getting closer, everyone on board panicked. They didn't know what to do, and desperately urged the boatman to get faster and faster.

Wang Lang was so scared. He consulted Hua Xin and said, "Now we have thieves, and the situation is urgent. There are too many people in the car to run fast. Why don't we call the people who got on the boat later, so as to reduce the weight of the boat. "

Hearing this, Hua Xin seriously replied: "At the beginning, I thought for a long time and hesitated again and again. I turned them down for fear that there would be too many people to sail. But since you promised someone, how can you go back on your word? Because you have something urgent, you will dump it? "

Hearing this, Wang Lang was flushed with shame and speechless. At Huaxin's insistence, they are still the same as at the beginning, carrying the man on the boat and never abandoning him. And their ship finally got rid of the thieves and reached its destination safely with the concerted efforts of everyone's Qi Xin.

On the surface, Wang Lang was generous, but in fact, he gave up his feelings without involving his own interests. Once it conflicts with its own interests, it reveals the true face of extreme selfishness and treachery. Hua Xin, on the other hand, keeps his word and doesn't promise easily. Once he makes a promise, he must keep it. We should learn from Huaxin, keep promises and stress morality. Virtue Rainbow Lang should be despised by people.