Now most people in the world don't admit that there are gods and ghosts.

There are 4.7 billion people in the world who have religious beliefs. But not everyone has to find the truth.

There is only one true god. He has appeared to the world through his only son. He is Jesus. The birth of Jesus is like the center of history. Everything before is expectation, and everything after is looking back. He was born of a virgin, and when he was a baby, he aroused the fear of Herod. When I was a teenager, I made an amazing speech in a temple. He began to preach at the age of 30, fed 5,000 people with five cakes and two fish, walked on the sea, reprimanded and stopped the storm, healed countless patients, revived Lhasa Road, and chose 12 kind people who were not smart (except Judah). He predicted his death and resurrection three days later to them many times, but they didn't understand. After he was crucified, his disciples were frightened. They all went back to their old jobs and dispersed. But when he came back to life three days later, all his disciples were full of confidence and their lives were completely different. He begged Peter, who had rejected him three times, to love his heart and returned to God's right hand forty days later. He is the true God, the true God of the Trinity. "In the beginning, there was a Tao, and the Tao was with God, and God was the Tao." The incarnation is Jesus Christ. God is both Tao and Tao. This is God the Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the true God.

God said that man originated from dust and will return to dust. 96 elements in human body are 96 elements in soil. When God judges at the last day, all the elements will come back to us. Both body and soul will be resurrected. Facing his trial. Who can not commit a crime? But through Jesus Christ, we return to God without fear.

None of us are just. They all went astray like sheep and went their separate ways. But God still loves us. Because people are precious, in fact, not from the perspective of people. People occupy space and consume food and resources. Where is the treasure? Just because everyone is a unique creation of God. God loved the world so much that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

Fear of the Lord (God) is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the most holy is wisdom. Modern science can better prove the wisdom and miracle created by God.

I suggest you read The Wandering Son and The Hard Proof of Sentence. One was written by Mr. Li Cheng, who graduated from biology department of Peking University. One is a scholar who tried to overthrow Christianity but found the truth.

Is there a rational basis for believing that Jesus Christ is the son of God?

Throughout the ages, countless scholars, students and adults can answer with one voice: "Yes!" Mcdowell's book "Hard Evidence Pending Judgment" is just to prove this point.

The universe is so wonderful, and life is so magical. When the earth is near 5% from the sun, water becomes steam, and when it is far away 1%, water becomes ice-free. Who measured this distance for us? Atoms invisible to the naked eye contain unexpected power. The nose can handle 12240 liters of air for 24 hours, adjust the temperature and humidity, and filter dust. It would cost at least 100 pounds to build such a machine with the highest technology in the world. God's creation is so wonderful.

After death, there is a place where you can make a choice that you will never regret after looking for it. Fortunately, not only you are looking for it, but also a heavenly father is willing to lead you. Knock on the door and you will find what you are looking for. There is no salvation except him, because there is no other name given in heaven and earth, and we can be saved by this! People of all faiths have the concept of eternity in their hearts. Some people seek immortality, others practice hard and think they can "become Buddha", or die in "bliss", but they don't seek truth. Nothing in the world can fill the eternal truth. This is the word of God.

The 44 authors of the Bible have different identities, and many of them have never met. The writing time has spanned over 1600 years, but the content comes down in one continuous line. Israel is a witness. "Israel will be scattered among the nations, but it will not perish." From the revival of Israel's national subjugation and its steadfastness in the face of the siege of Arab countries, we can see what God has done. God wants ten thousand people to be saved, not one person to sink. I hope you can accept the gospel, too. God bless you!

The trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit is eternal. Jesus has divinity and humanity, but he is innocent. Different from people. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. So Mary is Jesus' mother in the world. His word is above man, and God's will is above man. "He will not break the bent reed; He will not blow out the remaining lamps. "God will never forget us and will always take care of us. Although everything may not be satisfactory, there is glory, blessing and growth every day. God said, "How can a woman forget her nursing baby and not have mercy on the child she gave birth to?" Even if I forget something, I won't forget you. "

Everything is possible, but not all the benefits. Anything is possible, but not everything makes a man. Everything is possible, but it is always out of its control.

When you feel your hands are weak:

God said: as days go by, so does strength!

When you feel the pressure is unbearable ... God says:

Anyone who works hard and bears a heavy burden.

Come to me and I'll give you a rest.

When you are angry ... God says:

Don't get angry before sunset. People who don't get angry easily are very wise.

When you resent .. God says:

Don't take revenge on yourself. You'd rather give in and make God angry.

For the Lord says, I will repay my iniquity, and I will repay them.

When you say you can't do it ... God says:

My grace is enough to support you!

When you are interested in the length of people. ...

God said: blessed are those who make people harmonious!

When you are indifferent to people, ...

God said: Be enthusiastic in your heart and love your neighbor as yourself.

When you say, "I'm scared. 」

God said: I didn't give you a brave heart.

But a strong, loving and protective heart.

When you are proud .. God said: In the face of corruption, people are proud.

An arrogant person is called a mocker. He acts arrogantly out of pride.

When you are sad .. God says:

A happy heart is a good medicine, but a sad spirit dries up bones.

When you are stingy to help others, God says: It is more blessed to give than to receive.

He who has mercy on the poor lends money to the Lord.

God will repay his good deeds.

When you gave nothing .. God said:

Those who sow with tears will reap happily.

When you are in trouble .. God says:

I will comfort you in all your difficulties.

So that you can enjoy the comfort of God.

To comfort those who are in all kinds of difficulties.

When you can't see the direction clearly .. God says:

Forget your back, work hard and go straight to your post.

When you shed tears .. God said:

I will not despise a sad and regretful heart!

I will take you to the fountain of life.

I will also wipe away all your tears.

When you are cornered, God says:

Asking for and getting, looking for and discovering,

Knock, and I'll open the door for you. Call me and I will answer you.

Show you something big and difficult that you don't know.

When you succeed:

Thank the Lord your God.

Don't forget his kindness!

When you pursue fame and fortune in the world .. God says:

If the whole world loses its own life, ..

What's the point?

When prayers are not answered ..

God said: I have something better.

When you can't love .. God says:

Hate can provoke disputes, love can cover up all mistakes,

There is no fear in love, love is patient and kind, and love will never stop.

Maybe you don't like what I said, but I am eager to introduce the gospel of God to you. Believe and be saved, accept Jesus Christ as your savior, and all your sins will be forgiven. In the future, I can enjoy eternal life with the Lord. "Only ... unbelievers ... admirers ... their share is in the lake of fire burning with sulfur. This is the second death. " Enlighten and accept God's redemption. "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old things have passed away and all have become new. 2 Corinthians 5: 17 "Look, I am standing at the door and knocking. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will enter him, and I will sit with him and he will sit with me. Revelation 3 :20

God bless you.