What changes have the opening of the new air route brought to the world?

The opening of the new air route ended the relative isolation of all parts of the world, and the civilizations of all parts began to blend and become a whole. European businessmen began to establish direct business ties with other parts of the world. They sold tea and silk in Asia, gold and ivory in Africa, gold and silver in America and guns in Europe to other places and made huge profits. Since then, the embryonic form of the world market centered on western Europe has begun to appear.

The opening of the new route has led to major changes in European society. The scale of trade is expanding and the types of goods are increasing. The trade center moved from the original Mediterranean region to the Atlantic coast. History calls it the "commercial revolution". With the influx of gold and silver, the strength of the bourgeoisie engaged in commodity production has risen. All these accelerated the disintegration of feudal system in western Europe and promoted the development of capitalism.

I typed it according to my history book!