I will live up to my time, I will do my best, and I will have no regrets in the end.

"Dreams as Horses" - Haizi's famous poem

It means: I have done everything I can, and there is nothing to regret (even if) it ends (ends) of.

Shaohua, a Chinese word whose pinyin is sháo huá, refers to a good time, often spring. Generally used in articles to describe time.

Horse here refers to motivation and also means hope.

Dream means dream here. Extended information

Poetry Appreciation:

The poet Haizi, who died young, wrote a poem that became popular in the future in his "Dreams are Horses", "Dreams are Horses", Live up to your time. It means treating your dreams like a horse, never stopping and living up to your youth.

Using dreams as horses means using your dreams as the direction and motivation to move forward. Horse here refers to motivation and also means hope. The horse, a strong and beautiful animal, is used as a carrier of hope, carrying inner ideas and dreams, and providing inner support for future life.

Mao Zedong said: "What is understood may not be profound, but what was once profound is easy to understand." Haizi may not want to express the above tedious content. The whole poem may be telling us something, and this kind of thing requires the person who reads this poem to have a certain level of knowledge and understanding of life and people themselves.

Haizi recorded his thoughts in the form of poetry, because he knew that words can be circulated for a long time, and he knew that one day someone would read them. At that time, he would throw away other people's cumbersome interpretations and just What remains is the poetry itself and his thoughts. I think if you want to understand his poetry, you should go to distant places to walk, feel, discover and experience.