Seven-character quatrains: Liangzhou Ci Wang Zhihuan Wang Changling is far from the Yellow River, far away from white clouds, and Wan Ren Mountain is an isolated city. It is still the moon and border pass in Qin and Han dynasties, and the enemy has fought a protracted war. Why use the elegy of willow to complain about the delay of spring, old Yumenguan, a spring breeze is not blowing! If Wei Qing, who attacked Longcheng, and Li Guang, the flying general, were alive today, the Huns would not be allowed to go south to spend their horses in Yinshan. Gou Jian, the king of Yue, broke Wu's return, and the righteous returned home. Maid-in-waiting is like a flower in Man Chun's shop, but today only partridges can fly. Five-character verse: I hope that although the country is broken in spring, the mountains and rivers will last forever, and the vegetation will be spring. After three months of war, petals fell like tears, lonely birds sang their sorrows, and a letter from home was worth a ton of gold. I stroke my white hair. It has become so thin that it can no longer hold hairpins.
Hope to adopt