The reason why the poet Li Shangyin of the late Tang Dynasty was said to be ungrateful and morally corrupt was because he first worked in the Linghu family. Later, after the death of the head of the Linghu family, he went to the Linghu family. His enemy Wang Maoyuan also became his son-in-law, so the Linghu family said that he was ungrateful and treacherous, but in fact this was also a difference in understanding between scholars and politicians.
Li Shangyin once wrote a poem for his wife, Night Rain, and sent it to the north. You asked about the return date, but the night rain in Bashan rose to the autumn pond. How could you cut the candles from the west window, but said that it rained in Bashan at night? hour. The meaning of this poem is that you asked me in your letter when I will come back, and I don’t know when. Looking at the autumn pond outside the window, I look forward to meeting you again in the future. I must talk to you about this moment under the lamp. mood.
But the love between him and his wife was not blessed by everyone. In the spring of one year, Li Shangyin went to Wang Maoyuan's shogunate and soon married her daughter Wang. This made Li Shangyin's best friend at the time, Linghu Guan, very angry and regarded Li Shangyin as a villain. It was because the Linghu family and the Wang Maoyuan family were sworn enemies. Li Shangyin had been working for the Linghu family before going to Wang Maoyuan's mansion. Moreover, Linghu's father treated Li Shangyin like his own son and was very kind to Li Shangyin. However, not long after Linghuxi's father died, he went to join his rival Wang Maoyuan and became his son-in-law. Therefore, Linghuxi was very angry and said that Li Shangyin was an ungrateful and treacherous villain.
But in Li Shangyin's own eyes, he was just doing things according to his own wishes, and talented people generally have a high self-esteem. They sometimes take what they get for granted, even though they were ordered before. The Hu family helped him, but it was also because he had talent and he could learn. Isn't he worthy of being a Jinshi with his talent and learning? Therefore, he and Linghu Xu had a big difference. In Linghu Xu's eyes, he felt that you were not qualified. If you receive the favor from our family, you are ours, but for Li Shangyin, it is just his temporary residence, and he is just a passerby.