One day, you and I both remember it clearly. The boat parted the layers of blue waves with both hands, and I was on board. You were at the stern, and the fish in the water jumped into the boat, which made us burst into laughter. I tried to film the lively fish but forgot to take off the lens cover. The blank in the film is a mockery of summer and that we are too young.
One day, you and I both remember it clearly. Light rain drops on my face, and the water drops on your nylon umbrella keep ticking. The rain kept on and the footsteps kept on, so we kept walking on the shining road, behind which was a faded mystery.
? One day, you and I both remember it clearly. I'll see you off on the platform, and the train going south will take away your expression and mine. I blessed you all the way, but I didn't leave anything for myself. On the way back, my feet were muddy. One day, you and I remember it clearly, and we are finally ready to end a dream and start a reality. We are each other's keys and locks. Wherever we go, we are meaningful together.
? -Wang Guozhen