However, God agreed with Moses that before he led Israel into Canaan, he would lead the people to worship him and serve him on Mount Sinai.
The people set out from Elim, and the next month after they left Egypt, that is, 15, they entered the wilderness of Sin between Elim and Sinai.
Wilderness in flood season means land full of thorns and weeds.
Here is a map for your reference.
Yes, the Israelites have just walked out of the Shur wilderness and entered another wilderness.
The people grumbled against Moses and Aaron, saying:
If only we had died in the land of Egypt and by the hand of the Lord, we would have sat by the meat pot and had enough to eat. You brought us into this wilderness to starve all the congregation!
Aren't Israelis slaves in Egypt? Didn't they suffer under Pharaoh? Don't they have heavy work every day and even refuse to obey God's orders? How can I recall my past life now and feel that I am eating hot pot every day?
Is it really that chic?
Shortly after Moses went to Egypt, Israeli officials prayed to God to judge Moses. They think that Moses did a terrible thing to them ... Pharaoh and his servants put heavier work on them, and they all blamed Moses (in fact, their days in Egypt were very painful because the day they left Egypt was quite happy); Later, when God left Egypt, he wiped out Pharaoh's pursuers in the Red Sea. Although the plan had been told to the Israelites, the Israelites complained about Moses when they saw Pharaoh's army coming. They think it's better to go back to Egypt than to die in the wilderness. They even admitted in their words that they would rather be slaves in Egypt than die here. They called what Moses sent from God a disturbance. When they saw the great glory of God in the Egyptian soldiers, their blood began to swell again. They walked briskly for three days without water. In Mara, they complained to Moses about what we drank. This isn't it? They took a short rest in Elim, and then went to Sinai, because they knew they were going there to serve and worship God. But in the wilderness during the flood season, they found food shortage and complained about Moses. They even thought it was God's will to remain slaves in Egypt. They slandered Moses and Aaron and forcibly executed them from Egypt. They think Moses is the enemy of God. ...
I can't help but sigh: the eyes of the masses have always been blind.
The Lord Jesus said, "If you are blind, you have no sin." But now you say' we can see', so your sin is still there. "
-About 9:4 1
The Lord said to Moses:
I heard the complaints of the Israelis. Tell them that you will eat meat at dusk and be satisfied in the morning, and you will know that I am the Lord your God. (in 16: 12)
Moses and Aaron said to all Israel:
In the evening, you shall know that the Lord brought you out of Egypt.
In the morning, you will see the glory of the Lord, for the Lord has heard your murmurings against him. Who are we to complain to us? Your complaint is not addressed to us, but to God.
While Moses and Aaron were talking to all the congregation of Israel, the glory of the Lord appeared from the cloud. (in 16: 10)
"The glory of God appeared in the clouds."
This verse does not tell us that their argument stopped because they saw the glory of the Lord in the clouds, nor does it show that the confidence of the Israelites increased because they saw the glory of the Lord.
This verse tells us:
Although Moses and Aaron were attacked several times, God was still with them. God chose them, will be responsible for them and will not abandon them. Servant of God, be strong and brave!
These verses also tell us:
Even if Israel's mental state is so bad, God will still be with them when he brings them out, because what appears before them is God's glory and love, not God's angry and destructive face. Children of God, love the one who created you!
Now, Israel and Moses and Aaron seem to be two opposing camps.
People think that God's will is to let them stay in Egypt, while Moses and Aaron claim that God himself took them out of Egypt. ...
They are all waiting for that night to see what will happen. They are all looking forward to seeing something different the next morning.
As a result, quails flew in that night and covered the camp; The next morning, around the camp, after the dew rose, a small round object like frost on the ground could be used as food for everyone.
For the Israelis, this is really a slap in the face.
But they didn't seem to respond.
We didn't see them apologize to Moses and Aaron, nor did we see them repent before God ... It seemed that we could see these Israelis catching quails at night, killing and eating meat, and collecting this unprecedented food from the sky the next morning to fill their stomachs.
People are self-aware, but Israel is not ashamed. They only care about themselves and food.
In today's research, a brand-new unit of measurement appeared: Omer.
One omei is about two liters, which is the unit of measurement in ancient Hebrew.
There are two liters of wheat, and two liters are about 4 kilograms. Can one person eat 4 kilograms? That's not true!
We note: Generally speaking, two liters equals four kilograms, which means "water", but the density of this dry food is different from that of water, and it is definitely much lighter than water.
One liter is unit of volume, and nothing can be measured simply and rudely as a unit of weight.
According to the Bible, the food "one plum" falling from the sky is the average food intake of Israel.
Let's simply understand it. One euro of wheat is just enough for one person to eat one day.
Every morning, food falls from the sky, which God promised to give them daily food on the road in the wilderness, excluding quail. Israelis don't eat quail meat every day.
When we get to know each other later, we will find that the Israelites complained that the food was too monotonous, and God gave them quail meat to eat, even for a whole month. Anyway, in the wilderness during the flood season, you may have eaten quail meat for a whole day or a few days, but you must have not eaten it for a long time.
Quails are cute, with short wings, round head and fat body. Quails are migratory birds like pheasants, and their meat is delicious.
Quails in the Mediterranean region fly to Africa and Arabian Peninsula to avoid the cold every winter, and Sinai Peninsula is also on the migration route. After a long flight, they are very tired and easily tired. Nevertheless, we still believe that:
It is a miracle, not an accident, that Israelis meet quails.
It happened that Israel was short of food and began to complain. Is it the season for quail migration? There is no such coincidence.
This is god's arrangement.
From tomorrow's study, we will know the name of this little white circle falling from the sky.
Features 1:
There will be manna every day, but it will not appear until the dew rises; The sun will rise soon and then disappear again.
Because of the characteristics of manna, many people say that studying the Bible and praying to the Lord will be of great benefit to our spirituality in the early morning. These are the nectar on our spiritual path, so remember not to be lazy.
We want to say: it is best to chase the Lord every morning. However, the growth of life does not care about a certain period of time. We will not only pursue diligently in the early hours of the morning, but also work hard at other times.
Feature 2:
God made a rule for his people, that is, to keep the word of the Lord God and do what is right in the eyes of God. This time, the nectar fell from the sky, and there are also requirements: just collect enough copies for one day at a time.
As a result, some people in Israel did not obey God's command. They don't believe in God's regulations, and they are worried when they think about the future. They are afraid of encountering food shortages again, so they overcharge.
However, the manna left for the next day is full of bugs and stinks.
God doesn't like what they do.
Because of this characteristic of manna, some people say: don't have too many things in life, just enough for us every day. This is a truly godly life.
We want to say: Israel does not please God, not because it has too much; They don't like God, because they have no confidence in God, only fear and worry about the future.
Many views seem to have little difference, but the scripture says:
The heart of a wise man is on the right, and the heart of a fool is on the left.