What's the difference between a Catholic church and a Christian church?

As we all know, Christianity, Buddhism and Islam are called the three major religions in the world. Christianity spread all over the world. After years of integration of local national cultures, Christianity has gradually divided into three schools, among which Catholicism is one. This issue of Christian Culture shows you the difference between the Catholic Church and the Christian Church.

The difference between Catholicism and Christianity is that Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity and Protestantism are collectively called Christianity, and all of them take the Bible as a classic. Catholicism calls itself a public religion because of its universality, and believers call the god they believe in "God". Catholicism takes the Vatican as the organizational center and the Pope as the supreme leader, and implements "holy control" and "hierarchy".

There are 73 volumes of the Catholic Bible, including 46 volumes of the Old Testament and 27 volumes of the New Testament. There are usually statues of the Virgin Mary, Jesus and saints in Catholic churches. Catholic teaching staff are all men. Bishops, priests, monks and nuns must be single. Catholicism does not advocate divorce. The main Catholic festivals are Easter, Christmas, Pentecost and Jesus ascensiontide. Christians go to church to watch mass on Catholic holidays and Sundays.

In China, Christianity refers to Protestantism, also known as Evangelicalism or Jesuits. Christianity does not accept the leadership of the Pope, has no power center of its own, abolishes the hierarchy of Catholicism, and believes that believers can communicate directly with God without clergy. There are only 66 volumes of the Christian Bible, and 7 volumes of the Old Testament are not included. Christian churches generally have no statues, but only a cross. The staff of Christianity are bishops, priests, elders and missionaries. Both men and women can get married, and Christianity does not advocate divorce. The main festivals in Christianity are Easter and Christmas. Christians go to church on Christian festivals and Sundays.

When you enter the church, if you find a statue of the Virgin Mary, a confessional (usually two adjacent wooden houses) and a special place to light candles. Then this is probably a Catholic church.

There is a cross on the spire of the Catholic church. There are all kinds of crosses, and there is also the word "Catholic Church" on the top of the church. There are also crosses on the spires of Christian churches, which are generally red. The words "Christian Church" or "Christian Church" are on the top of the church, and some of them are named after their own sects, such as the True Jesuits, Seventh-day Adventists, Emmanuel and Hallelujah.

In the Catholic church, in addition to the bitter image of the cross of Jesus Christ in the middle, there are sometimes icons of saints such as the Virgin Mary and the Great St. Joseph on both sides, and there are 14 bitter images of Jesus Christ on the wall. Christian churches generally have only one Red Cross, and the internal facilities are relatively simple.

There is an altar in the center of the front hall of the Catholic church for mass etiquette, while there is only a small pulpit in front of the Christian church, and mass is never held.

Catholic Christians cross their foreheads and chests before and after going to church or praying to show that they are Christians, while Protestant Christians do not have this habit.

When Catholic Christians pray in church, they all say a unified prayer and sing it with one heart and one mind. Christian prayers are more casual, and they are all about themselves.

There are seventy-three volumes of the Catholic Bible and only sixty-six volumes of the Protestant Bible. Seven volumes of the Old Testament were deleted by Martin Luther because they were written in Greek, and Martin Luther only admitted that 39 volumes of the Old Testament were written in Hebrew.

The clergy of the Catholic church are called popes, bishops and priests, and they are all committed to celibacy. Protestant clergy have different names because of different sects. They are called "elders" in Presbyterian church, "priests" in Lutheran church and "servants of God", "brothers" and "co-workers" in other small sects. Anglican sects also have "priests" and "bishops", and Protestant clergy are all married and live a secular life. There are no monks and nuns in Protestantism.

Catholicism calls the supreme god "God" or "Jehovah". A god contains three people, namely the father, the son and the holy spirit. Christianity calls the highest God "God" or "Jehovah", and the Trinity God is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.