The second act of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream is only as important as the second act! !

Act 2

Scene 1 A forest near Athens

A fairy comes from one side and Puck (naughty elf) comes from the other



Hey, elf! Where are you going?


Over the hills, across the valleys,

Through the bushes, through the thorns,

Over the gardens, over the fences ,

Through floods, through fires,

I wander around,

Faster than the moon;

I serve the immortals Finally,

sprinkle dew on her green land.

Those tall primroses are her guards;

Look, the spots on their golden clothes;

They are the rubies given by the fairy,


Their breath is active in these spots;

I want to find some dewdrops here,

hang one on the ear of each primrose.

Goodbye, you fools among the elves; I am leaving.

Our Queen and her elves are coming soon.


Tonight, the king will have a carnival here;

Be careful not to let him see the queen here;

Oh Brown is now vicious and angry,

because she stole from the Indian king

a cute boy as her retinue.

She had never stolen such a lovely child;

and the jealous Oberon wanted the child

to join his bodyguard and travel Wild woods;

But she insisted on keeping this lovely boy.

She put a flower crown on him and regarded him as all her happiness.

Now they never meet in the woods or on the grass.

They meet by the clear spring or under the bright stars.

They collide, their The elves were so frightened that they all hid in acorn shells.


Either I misjudge your appearance, and if I guess correctly,

then you are the cunning, deceptive elf,< /p>

The name is Good Robin. Are you that guy,

He likes to scare country girls,

skim off the nipples, and sometimes grind them hard,

let the panting housewife Can't churn butter;

Sometimes it stops wine from foaming,

Sometimes it leads night walkers astray and laughs happily at their misfortune?

If anyone calls you naughty monster or cute Puck,

you do things for them and give them good luck.

Is this you?


You are right:

I am that happy night wanderer.

I told Oberon jokes and made him laugh.

When I had to please a fat, strong horse,

I imitated the filly. Scream;

Sometimes I turn into a roasted wild apple,

hiding in the wine bowl of a tongue-tied woman,

while she drinks When the time came, I flicked it to her lips,

sprinkling the ale onto her withered throat.

Sometimes, I turn into a three-legged stool.

When the wise aunt tells the saddest story,

I slide under her butt. , causing her to fall down,

She shouted "Good guy", causing her to cough non-stop;

Then everyone around them held their butts up and laughed,< /p>

They laughed harder, sneezed, and swore

They had never been so happy.

But step aside, fairy, Oberon is coming.

The Fairy

My mistress is here too. He'd better go away.

Oberon, Titania and their entourage came up from both sides


What a coincidence that I met you under the moonlight. I proudly mentioned Tania.


Ha, jealous Oberon! Go away, fairies;

I have sworn to leave his bed and his company.


Wait, you insolent shrew; am I not your master?


Then I must be your wife;

But I know that you once sneaked out of Wonderland,

He transformed into a shepherd and sat there all day long,

playing the wheat flute and playing love songs to the passionate


Why did you

come here from the remotest steppes of India?

Nothing but because of that tall Amazonian woman,

your booted mistress, your martial lover,

will marry Theseus Are you here to wish them a happy marriage?


Aren’t you ashamed of this? Titania,

You used Hippolyta to despise my honor.

You already knew that I knew you loved Theseus.

Was it not you who led him through the hazy night,

leaving Pereguna who had been ravaged by him?

Did he turn his back on the beautiful Eagle,

Ariadne and Antiopa?


These are jealous fabrications;

Since midsummer,

when we gathered Hills, valleys, woods, grasslands,

next to flowing springs, beside streams covered with rushes,

or on the beach at the seaside,

Want to dance our ring dance against the whistling wind,

You always mess up our games noisily.

The wind whistled at us in vain,

In retaliation, it sucked up the poisonous mist from the sea

; they fell to the ground,

Make every trickle so proud,

Make them overflow upon the land.

The oxen pulled the yoke in vain,

The farmer's sweat was in vain, the green grain

had rotted before it was whisked away;

Empty sheep pens stand in the flooded fields,

The flocks of sheep that died from the plague have fattened the crows;

The place where Jiugong chess was played is full of mud,< /p>

Those strange mazes in the grass,

have become unrecognizable because no one has stepped on them.

Those earthly mortals yearn for winter,

Now there are no more hymns and sacred carols in the night;

The moon that rules the flood,< /p>

My face turned pale with anger, washing away the entire air,

making rheumatism germs spread everywhere.

Because of this disorder, we see

the seasons also change: the white-haired frost,

lying on the fresh legs of the crimson rose Above;

On the thin ice cap of the winter god,

sarcastically placed a fragrant garland of summer buds.

Spring, summer,

pregnant autumn, and angry winter,

all have changed their usual attire; confused human beings,

can no longer follow them of production, distinguishing who is who.

These evil consequences all come from

our quarrels and our discord;

We are their parents and sources.


Then you should fix it. It's up to you.

Why does Titania go against her Oberon?

I am only asking for a stolen little boy

to be my attendant.


Give it up;

You can’t buy this child of mine for the whole of Wonderland.

Her mother is a believer of mine;

On the fragrant Indian nights,

She often chats next to me;

Sit with me on the yellow sand beach by the seaside,

Count the merchant ships filled with goods on the water;

We smiled and saw that the sails were pregnant,< /p>

The strong wind made her pregnant;

She swims in a cute way - her womb

She is pregnant with my young follower-


Imitating a sail, she fetched all kinds of sundries from the shore for me.

When she returned, it was like returning from a voyage,

full of cargo.

However, as a mortal, she died giving birth to that child;

For her, I raised her child;

For her, I did not will be separated from him.


How long are you going to stay in these woods?


Maybe it will have to wait until after Theseus' wedding.

If you have the patience to dance with us,

to see our moonlit night carnival, come with me;

otherwise, just avoid me, I I won't disturb your wanderings either.


Give me that little boy and I will go with you.


Your fairyland cannot replace him. Fairies, let’s go!

If we stay any longer, we will have a complete quarrel.

Exit Titania and attendants


Well, go your way; for this insult,

You can't leave the woods until you get my punishment.

My gentle Puck, come here.

Do you remember,

I once sat on a promontory,

heard a mermaid on the back of a dolphin,

making such a beautiful sound, The sweet whisper,

the turbulent sea gradually calmed down because of her singing,

several stars went crazy in order to listen to the music of this sea girl.

The earth jumped out of their constellations.


I remember.


At that moment, you couldn’t see,

But I saw Cupid in full armor,

flying in the cold Between the moon and the earth;

He takes aim at a beautiful virgin on the throne of the West,

deftly releasing his arrow of love from his bow,

As if it could pierce a hundred thousand hearts;

But I saw the flaming arrow of little Cupid,

extinguished in the crystal clear moonlight;

The virgin queen is safe and sound,

In the contemplation of the innocent virgin.

But I noticed where Cupid's heavy arrow fell.

It fell on a small flower in the west.

It was originally milky white, but now it was dyed purple by the trauma of love.

The girls put it It's called "Pansy."

Pick the flowers for me. I showed you the grass.

If its juice is dropped on the eyelids of a sleeping person,

Both men and women will devote themselves madly to the first living person they see


Gather that grass for me, and then you come back here,

before the sea monster has swum a mile.


I can put a belt on the earth in forty minutes



Once I get this flower juice,

I will wait until Titania falls asleep,

Drop this juice on her eyelids;

The first thing she sees after waking up,

Whether it is a lion or a bear , whether it is a wolf, a bull,

an active monkey, or a busy orangutan,

she will chase it with her passionate soul.

Before I break the spell with another herb,

I want her to give me her boy.

But who is coming? I am invisible to the naked eye;

I am here to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Enter Demetrius, Helena follows him


I don’t love you, so stop chasing I.

Where are Lysander and beautiful Hermia?

One is the one I want to kill, and the other is the one who wants to kill me.

You told me that they escaped to this woods,

Now I am here, and the woods are this woods,

I did not meet me of Hermia.

Go away, don’t follow me again.


It is you who attract me, you cruel stone;

But it is not the iron you attract, because my heart


As strong as steel. Please remove your attraction.

I will not be able to chase you.


Have I ever seduced you? Have I spoken to you properly?

Besides, haven’t I told you most bluntly,

I don’t love you and I won’t love you?


Despite this, I love you even more.

I am your puppy; Demetrius,

The more you beat me, the more I want to please you;

Just treat me as Your puppy, kick me, hit me,

ignore me, abandon me; as long as you allow me

follow you, even though I am not worthy of you.

What worse position could I ask for in your love?

——But for me, what position is more dignified? ——

Being treated like your own dog?


Don't stir up the hatred in me too much.

I feel uncomfortable when I see you.


But I feel uncomfortable when I can’t see you.


You care so little about your own dignity that you leave the city and surrender yourself to

In the hands of someone who doesn’t love you;

To rely on luck in the night,

and the wrong guidance given by a wasteland,

but regardless of one’s own chastity How precious.


Your virtue is my guarantee;

When I see your face, the night is no longer dark,

< p>Because I feel that I am not in the dark night;

There is no shortage of companions in this forest,

Because I feel that you are the whole world;

If the whole world is here looking at me, how can I say I'm alone?


I will run away from you and hide in the bushes,

Leave you to the mercy of wild beasts.


The most brutal beast does not have a heart like yours.

You can leave if you want; that story will be rewritten:

Apollo fled, Daphne chased;

The dove chased the lion Strange eagle; docile female deer

Speed ??up the pace to catch the tiger; what a useless pace,

The coward is chasing, the brave is running away.


I don’t want to hear your questions anymore; let me go;

If you still follow me, don’t think

I won't hurt you in the woods.


Alas, in the temple, in the market, in the fields,

you have hurt me. Bah, Demetrius!

Your mistake is simply an insult to us women.

We cannot fight for love like men;

We should be wooed, not forced to woo.

(Part 2 of Demetrius)

I will follow you to turn hell into heaven,

to die in the hands of the one I love .



Goodbye, beautiful girl! Before he leaves the woods,

you will run from him and he will pursue your love.

(Puck enters again)

Did you find the flowers there? Welcome, wanderer.


Yes, right there.


Please give it to me.

I know a slope where wild thyme blooms,

where primroses and swaying violets grow,

luscious honeysuckle, sweet honeysuckle Musk-roses and rosaceae almost covered the slope;

Titania sometimes slept there at night,

among the flowers, danced by and joy lead into dreamland.

There, the snake sheds her colorful skin,

like a large coat, enough to wrap a fairy;

I want to take this flower The juice sprinkled her eyes,

filling her with hateful hallucinations.

Take a little of this flower juice and go to the grove to find:

There was a lovely Athenian girl who fell in love with a arrogant young man

Paint his eyes;

But the timing is right, the first thing he sees

is the girl. You will recognize the man,

He is dressed in the clothes of an Athenian.

Be careful, let him be

fascinated by her more than she loves him.

Come see me again before the first rooster crows.


Don't worry, Master; your servants will take care of it.
