Who are the important figures in Uruguayan poetry around the 20th century?
Juan Sorriha de San Martin (1855- 193 1) is the most important figure in Uruguayan poetry in this period. His narrative poem Tavare (1888) praises the heroic struggle of the Indian Chalua people against the colonists. In the same period, three famous female poets appeared one after another: Maria Eugenia Bass Ferreira (1875- 1924), Delmira Agusti (1886- 1965438) and Juana de. Their lyric poems are well-known and have won Uruguay the reputation of "the hometown of Latin American women's poetry". Modernist poetry movement had a far-reaching influence in Uruguay. Two famous literary groups headed by horacio quiroga (1878- 1937) and Herrera I reisig (1875- 19 10) were formed in Montevideo, the capital, which promoted the modernist poetry movement. Herrera I. Risig is a poet with distinctive personality, full of imagination, delicate feelings and strict meter, and is one of the representatives of Latin American modernist poetry.