Before the sun came to work, Yun had already come to work. Look, some of them are like wolves, chasing lively lambs; Some are flying in the air like flying dragons (perhaps because they are having so much fun that the sun is coming to work, and they don't notice it.
Near noon, the clouds seem to put on a golden dress on the bed. This dress was given to them by Sun's father. At noon, the sun shines vertically on the ground, and few light waves are reflected by the atmosphere. Shorter wavelength light waves, such as yellow light waves, can also enter the atmosphere and the clouds turn golden.
Fish scale clouds are also very beautiful. I don't know who cut them into pieces and arranged them neatly in the air.
If the fish scale cloud is beautiful, the fiery red cloud is the best in the cloud, which is different from the daytime cloud. But people expect it to appear at night. Because there is a folk proverb, "burn yin early, and burn sunny later." It means there is a flaming cloud in the morning, which means it is cloudy. If there is a fiery red cloud at night, it means it will be sunny tomorrow, so people expect it to appear at night. I carefully observed the shape of the burning cloud. It's orange. This dark color almost renders half the sky. It's very nice. Look carefully again, its color changed from light yellow to orange, blending with the color of the sky, just like watercolor painting in art.
Clouds, endless changes; Cloud, mysterious; Clouds are beautiful ... I like clouds in the sky and I like listening to songs about clouds. Clouds, endless changes; Cloud, mysterious; Clouds are beautiful ... I like clouds in the sky and I like listening to songs about clouds. Writing here, I couldn't help singing "White clouds floating in the blue sky": "White clouds floating in the blue sky, running under the horse ..."