Chinese pinyin should have 13 lowercase letters, which are α, C, E, M, N, O, R, S, U, V, W, X and Z respectively.
There should be eight capitals: B, D, F, H, I, K, L and T.
In the following examples: g, p, q, y.
Extended data:
1. According to the provisions of the Chinese Pinyin Scheme, Y and W are zero initial syllables with vowels, and I and U are rewritten. For example, the syllable yan is the rewriting of the zero initial syllable ian, that is, the whole yan, so Y and W are not initials.
But according to people's customary spelling, Yan will spell with initials, that is, y-an-yan, so both Y and W are counted as initials.
2. The ending ng is in nasal consonants, but it is no longer used as an initial in the pronunciation system of Putonghua, so it is not in the category of initial in Putonghua, but it may appear in the form of initial in some dialects.