Matt 7: 12 "So, whatever you want others to do to you, you should do to others."
Gradually reduce 3: 16 "Have a good conscience, so that those who falsely accuse you of good conduct in Christ will be ashamed of your slander."
Forgive: Matt. 6: 14, 15 "If you forgive people's transgressions, your heavenly father will also forgive you; "You don't forgive others' transgressions, and your heavenly father won't forgive you. "
Sea fish of Sparidae12: 20,21"If your enemy is hungry, give him food; If you are thirsty, give him a drink. Because if you do this, you will pile coals of fire on his head. You must not be defeated by evil, but overcome evil with good. "
Ephesians 4: 26,27 "Be angry but don't sin, don't be angry until sunset, and don't leave room for the devil."
Loyalty: Lu 16: 10 "People are loyal to small things and big things; It is unfair in the smallest things and unfair in the biggest things. "
Rev 2: 10 "If you want to be faithful to death, I will give you the crown of life."
Words: Proverbs 25: 15 "The tongue is soft and can break bones."
Pro 10: 19 "It is inevitable to say more: it is wise to keep your lips shut."
James 3: 2 "If a man has no fault in words, he is a perfect man and can restrain his whole body."
Pro 25: 1 1 "In a word, the golden apples are in the silver net."
Matt 7: 1, 2 "Don't judge others, or you will be judged, for as you judge others, you will be judged."
Titus 2: 8 "Words are pure and blameless, which puts those who oppose them to shame, because they have nothing to say against us."
Honesty: Pro 12: 19 "Tell the truth and always stand firm; The tongue will only lie for a while. "
Psalm 34: 12, 13 "Anyone who likes life, longevity and happiness must forbid his tongue from speaking evil words and his lips from speaking deceitful words."
Modesty: Phil 2: 3 "As long as you are modest, everyone thinks others are better than themselves."
Pro 1 1: 2 "Where there is pride, there is shame." "Pride precedes corruption and arrogance precedes depravity."
Sophisticated: Tim. 4: 12, 15 "Don't let people look down on your youth, but always set an example for believers in words, actions, love, trust and cleanliness. Do these things diligently, concentrate here and let everyone see your growth. "
Rom 5: 3-5 "Because we know that adversity can cultivate patience; Patience breeds sophistication; Experienced students hope: I hope not to be ashamed. "
Diligence: Pro 6: 6 "Go and observe the actions of ants, you sluggard, and you will get wisdom."
Pro 13: 4 lazy people envy, but they get nothing. People who are diligent will be rich.
Col. 4: 5 "cherish time and associate with strangers with wisdom."
Kindness: Lin Qian 1. 13: 4-8 "Love is patient and kind; Love is not jealous, boastful, arrogant, shy, self-seeking, not easily angry, not evil, not liking injustice, but liking the truth: everything is tolerant, everything is believed, everything is hoped and everything is endured. Love is endless.
A happy heart is a good medicine. A sad spirit dries up bones. "
Rom 5: 3,4 "Even in trouble, you are glad. Know that adversity breeds patience; Patience breeds sophistication; Experience breeds hope; "
Acts 2: 28 "You have shown me the way of life, and I will be content if I see your face."
Peace: John 14: 27 Jesus said, "I will leave you peace, and I will give you my peace." What I give is not like what the world gives. Don't be sad or timid. "
Is 26: 3 "If he trusts in you, you will keep him in perfect peace."
Prayer: Phil 4:6, 7 "Don't worry about anything, just tell God what you want in everything through prayer, supplication and thanks. God's unexpected peace will keep your minds and thoughts in Christ Jesus. "
Patience: Proverbs 29: 1 1 "A fool is full of anger, but a wise man is full of wrath."
Matt 24: 13 "He who endures to the end will be saved."
Marine fish of Sparidae 12: 12 "rejoice in hope and endure in trouble."
Unity: Ecclesiastes 4: 12: "If someone conquers alone, if there are two people, you can stop him, and the rope composed of three strands is not easy to break."
Ephesians 4:2, 3, 15 "Be humble, gentle and patient in all things, tolerate each other with love, contact each other with peace, and try to keep the heart given by the Holy Spirit." "But tell the truth with love, make progress in everything, and have contact with Christ, the head of state."
Gentleness: Pro 15: 1 "A gentle answer will calm the anger; The words are violent and angry. "
Matt 5:5 "Blessed are the meek! Because they will inherit the land. "
Rebirth: Galatians 5: 22-24 "The fruit of the Holy Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and temperance. ..... everyone who belongs to Christ Jesus has crucified the body and its evil feelings and desires. "
Gradually reduce 1: 4 "He gave us a precious and great promise, so since we are corrupt from the world of lust, we must become a part of God's temperament."
Pure heart: Matt 5: 28 "But I tell you, whoever looks at a woman and lusts after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Matt 5: 8 "Blessed are the pure in heart! Because they will see God. "
Psalm 5 1: 9, 10 "Please hide your face from my sins and blot out all my sins. God, please create a clean heart for me and restore an upright spirit in me. "
Psalm 1 19: 9 "What do young people use to purify their behavior? Just say it. "
Gradually decrease by 3: 13, 14 "But according to his promise, we look forward to a new heaven and a new land where we can live justly. ..... Since you are looking forward to these things, you should be diligent, so that you can see the Lord safely, unblemished and flawless. 」
Provincial inspection: Gal. 6: 4 "Every man should examine his own behavior."
Jeremiah 3: 40 "Let us examine our own ways and then return to the Lord."
Philippians 2: 5, 15 "Take the heart of Christ Jesus as your heart." "In this crooked and absurd generation, you should be blameless, honest and true people, and be flawless children of God. You appear in this generation like a bright light. "
Greed: 1 Tim. 6: 9, 10 "But those who want to get rich are trapped in confusion, snare and many ignorant and harmful selfish desires, which makes people sink into ruin and destruction. The love of money is the root of all evil; Some people are greedy for money, so they are lured away from the truth and stab themselves with many sorrows. "
Pro 5: 22 "The wicked will be entangled in his sin, and he will be entangled in his sin like a rope."
Lust: John 2: 15- 17 "Don't love the world and the things in the world; If a man loves the world, his love for the father is not in him. Because everything in the world, such as the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of this life, does not come from the father. But from this world. The world and its lust will pass away, but those who do God's will will live forever. 」
Charity: Proverbs11:24,25 "Some people give alms, but they add more, while others are too stingy, so that they are poor, and those who do charity well will be rich;" Whoever moistens people will be moistened. "
James 4: 17 "If a man knows to do good, but doesn't do it, this is his sin."
Gal 6: 9 "We should do good and not lose heart: if we don't lose heart, we will reap. "
Temperance: Pro 16: 32 "He who is not easily angry is better than a warrior; It is better to conquer your heart than to attack the city. "
Oh, my god 9: 25-27 "Those who strive to win are temperate in everything, but they just want a crown that can be corrupted, but we want a crown that cannot be corrupted. So I run, not like I have no direction; I box, not like an air fighter. I am conquering my own body and calling my body to me; Lest I preach the gospel to others and be rejected myself. "
Jealousy: Pro 14: 30 "Jealousy is rotting in the bones."
Pro 27: 4 "Anger is cruel and anger is arrogant, but who can resist jealousy?"
Song 8: 6 "For love is as strong as death, and jealousy is as cruel as the grave."
Psalm 37: 1 "Don't worry about the evildoers, and don't be jealous of the evildoers."
Confidence: Lai 1 1: L "Confidence is a solid foundation for what is expected and evidence for what is not seen."
Hebrews 3: 4 "Because houses must be built, but God builds all things."
Sea fish of Sparidae 1: 20 "Since the creation of heaven and earth, the eternal power and divinity of God have been clearly known. Although it is invisible to the naked eye, it can be known by what he created, which is unavoidable. "
Hebrews 1 1: 6 "If a man has no faith, he cannot please God;" For those who come before God must believe that there is God and that he rewards those who seek him.
Compassion: Luo 12: 15 "Have fun with happy people and weep with those who cry."
Oh, my god 9: 22 "For the weak. I will be a weak person. In order to get weak people, I will become the kind of person I want, and I will save some people anyway. "
Love of the Lord: Romans 5: 7, 8 "It is rare to die for the righteous, for the benevolent, or dare to die for the benevolent;" Only Christ died for us when we were still sinners, and God's love is here to enlighten us. "
Is 49: 15, 16 "How can a woman forget the baby she nursed and have no pity for her son? Even if someone forgets, I will not forget you. Look, I have carved you on the palm of my hand. "
John 3: 1-3 "Look at what kind of love the Father has given us so that we can be called children of God;" : We are really his children. ..... but we know that if the Lord appears, we must be like him, because we want to see his true body. Whoever has this hope in him purifies himself, just as he is pure. "
Content: Phil 4:11-13 "I can be satisfied under any circumstances, which is what I have learned. I know how to be modest and how to be rich; Either full or hungry; Or surplus, or lack; With everything, I got the secret. I can do everything by the one who gives me strength. 」
Rom 8:32 "Since God did not care for his own son and gave it up for all of us, will he not also give us all things with him for nothing?"
2 Timothy 6: 6, 7, 8 "However, godliness and contentment are great benefits; Because we brought nothing into this world, and we can't take anything away. As long as we have food and clothes, we should be satisfied. "
Judgment Book: Jeremiah 17: 9, 10 "The human heart is more cunning than anything, so who can understand it?" I, the Lord, search and test people's hearts, and I will reward every man according to his deeds and the results of his actions. "
Matthew 12: 36, 37 "The gossip spoken by mortals must be exposed on the day of judgment; For your words will be justified; I will also condemn you according to your words. "
Law: James 2: 12. Since you are going to be judged according to the law that makes people free, speak and act according to this law. "
Matt 22: 37-40 "Jesus said to him," Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and soul. ..... The second is similar, that is, love your neighbor as yourself. These two commandments are the general program of all laws and prophecies. "
Exodus 20: 3- 17 (full text of god's ten commandments)
John 5: 3 "We keep God's commandments. This is to love him. His commandments are not difficult to follow. "
Integrity: Ps. He didn't leave any benefits to those who acted uprightly.
Harmony: Matt 5: 9 "Blessed are those who bring peace. Because they will be called the sons of God. "
Error correction: Gal. 6: 1 "If someone is defeated by sin by chance, you spiritual people should save him with gentle heart, and be careful that you may be tempted."
Heaven: Rev. 21:3,4 "Look! The tabernacle of God is on the earth. He will walk with people, and they will become his people; God will be with them and become their God. God will wipe away all their tears; There will be no more death, no more sadness, crying and pain, because the past has passed. "
Oh, my god 2:9 "God has prepared for those who love him things that his eyes have not seen, his ears have not heard, and his heart has not thought of."
Life: Psalm 90:9, 10 "The years we spent are like a sigh. Our life span is seventy years old, and if we are strong, we can reach eighty years old; But all it boasts is hard work and worry. In a blink of an eye, we flew away. "
Too 16:26 "what good is it for a man to earn the whole world and lose his own life?" What else can people exchange for life? "
Psalm 1: 1-3 "Blessed is the man who loves the law of the Lord and thinks day and night, but does not listen to the wicked's counsel, stand in the path of sinners or sit in the seat of scorners. He should be like a tree, planted by a stream, bearing fruit on time, and the leaves will not wither. Everything he does goes smoothly. "
Jon: Tim. Because what God has given us is not a timid heart, but a strong, loving and conscientious heart. ,
Ephesians 6: 10 "Be strong in the Lord and trust in his power."
Revelation 2: 1 1 "He who conquers will not be harmed by the second death."
Wisdom: Proverbs 9: 10 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowing the holy one is wisdom."
Psalm 90: 12 "Please teach us how to count our days, so that we can gain a wise heart."
Col. 6: 5438+0:9, 10 "May you be full of knowledge of God's will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you may be worthy of the Lord, please Monta in all things, bear fruit in all good works, and gradually learn more about God. ……"
Suffering: Job 23: 10 "But he knows my way. After he tried me, I was like pure gold."
Protection: Psalm 34: 7 "The angel of the Lord encamped around those who feared him and delivered them."
Trust: Proverbs 3: 5-7 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and don't rely on your own understanding. Whatever you do, know him, and he will show you the way. Don't think you are wise, just fear the Lord and stay away from evil. "