Ask the lyrics of amazing grace in Japanese, and mark them with pen names or Roman characters. It's not Conan's. It's a hymn.

ァメィジング in Minako Honda? グレイス(amazing· Grace)?

アメイジング? グレイス(Ameijingu. Guresu (amazing grace))

Lyrics: John Newton, Japanese lyrics: Iwatani Baryon.

Composer: tradition

Singer: Minako Honda

The theme song of the movie "The Battle for maddock: The First Compression"

Amazing grace, what a sweet voice.

Saved a poor man like me.

I was once lost, but now I have found it.

I was blind, but now I see.

Yasashii ai no Tenohira de

Kyou mo watashi wa Utaou

I don't know what you're talking about.

Watashi wa Mou mayowa nai

Kagayaku Shiawase alone

Atae tamouta Anata

Hello, hello, Ma Shou.

Crane has no black frog nest.

Amazing grace, what a sweet voice.

Saved a poor man like me.

I was once lost, but now I have found it.

I was blind, but now I see.


Sogou Music: Search Results Related to Hayley Westenra amazing grace