Tomb-Sweeping Day Du Mu went out, Chizhou, where there was no sunshine and drizzle. His heart ached when he saw passers-by mourning for their dead relatives. The poet was immersed in the scenery and was extremely sad, but he had to trudge in the rain, his clothes were wet and the spring was chilly. The poet hopes to drown his sorrows by drinking.
In Tomb-Sweeping Day, it is a tradition to go hiking, worship ancestors and sweep graves with relatives and friends. The pedestrian in the poem is a person traveling in a foreign land, and their feelings are very lonely and desolate. Coupled with the endless spring rain, "pedestrians" are inexplicably agitated and depressed, and their emotions seem unsustainable.
Pedestrians, however, don't want to indulge in loneliness and sadness, and quickly ask where there is a place to drink, so as to be in the heat flow of people and wine.