The division of function words and real words in ancient poetry

Content words have real meaning and can be used as sentence components alone, and generally can be answered separately.

Content words include nouns, verbs, adjectives, numerals, quantifiers and pronouns. There are a large number of notional words in classical Chinese, and mastering more notional words in classical Chinese is the key to improve the reading ability of classical Chinese. When learning the notional words in classical Chinese, we should pay special attention to its three main features in grammar: one is polysemy, the other is the ancient and modern changes in the meaning of words, and the third is the flexible use of parts of speech.

Function words function words have no practical meaning, generally can't act as sentence components, and can't answer questions alone. (A few adverbs, such as "bu", "may" and "bu", can answer questions independently), and they can only make sentences with notional words to express various grammatical relations. Function words include adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, auxiliary words and interjections. Function words in classical Chinese only account for a small part of the whole vocabulary in classical Chinese, but they have great grammatical functions. Many sentence patterns in classical Chinese are marked by function words, such as the passive sentence Wei Suo, which judges the sentence "... Zhe Ye" and "He", which is frequently used in classical Chinese and its interpretation is quite flexible. The main commonly used function words are: knowledge, strangeness, Yu, Yi, Er, Ze, Nai, Ruo, Er, Zhe, Wei, Ran, Shi, Ben, Si, Bi, He, An, Who, Hu, Di, Although, Although, However, Nature and Ye. Yi, Hu, zai, Yan, ear, etc.

In the past, meaning was taken as the standard. The real meaning was called real words, and the empty meaning was called function words. Now, based on function, it is believed that notional words can serve as sentence components (of course, they have lexical and grammatical meanings), but they cannot serve as sentence components, and function words only have grammatical meanings.

Content words are subdivided into nouns, verbs, adjectives, distinguishing words, numerals, quantifiers, adverbs, pronouns and special content words, onomatopoeia words and exclamations; Function words are subdivided into prepositions, conjunctions, auxiliary words and modal particles.