Jia Dao went to raise money first, and one day he got a saying on the donkey: Birds perch on trees by the pool, and monks knock on the moon door, knocking at the door when they first want to push. When I can't finish practicing, I will sing on the donkey one by one and have been holding hands and studying it carefully. When Han Yu's official department was in charge of Zhao Jing, the island unconsciously ran to the third quarter, and it took a long time for the island to get this poem. Han Ma said, "Be good at typing, and answer one by one, and stay in poetry and be friends with cloth."
Jia Dao went to Beijing for the first time to take the exam. One day, he rode a donkey and wrote a poem. He recited a sentence: "Birds live in trees by the pool, and monks knock on the moon door." At first, I thought about pushing words, but I thought typing was good. I couldn't decide what to use, so I repeated it and made a push and knock gesture with my hand. Han Yu was an official in Zhao Yin at that time. Jia Dao unconsciously collided with the honor guard in the third quarter and was escorted to Han Yu by attendants. Jia Dao then told Han Yu his poem. Han Yu immediately stopped for a long time and said to Jia Dao: Typing is better. So I came back with Jia Dao.
Chant: chant.
Yun Yun: After that. How many words are omitted from the back.
Parallel: Drive in parallel and ride together.
Lingering: lingering; Reluctant to part.
The turning point of cloth: cloth: the clothes of the ancient poor. Communication and friendship between civilians. It also means that powerful people associate with people without official positions.
This refers to the friendship between Jia Dao, a civilian, and Han Yu, an official.