Wang Changling’s anecdotes

One day, three poets, Wang Zhihuan, Wang Changling, and Gao Shi, were drinking in a restaurant in Chang'an, Kyoto, and happened to meet four singing girls having a banquet and singing. They made a pact, whose poems were sung the most by the singers and whoever had the best poems would be considered the best. After a while, three of the four singing girls successively sang two poems by Wang Changling, "Entering Wu at Night after Rainfall Lianjiang River", "Following the Broom to Pingming and the Golden Palace Opening", and Gao Shi's poem "Opening the Suitable with Tears Stained by Guess". Wang Zhihuan's poems have not yet been sung. Wang Zhihuan made a bet that if the best among them sings other than his poems, he will no longer compete with them; if so, you two will have to worship me as your teacher. Sure enough, the famous singer who had not spoken yet sang the poem "Yellow River Far Above the White Clouds" by Wang Zhihuan. After hearing this, he smiled complacently and said, "What I said could be wrong!" When the singers and musicians learned that these three poets were the authors of the songs they sang, they were so excited that they invited the poets to Drink and talk happily for a whole day.

This story not only tells the close connection between poetry and music, but also shows the deep friendship between the poet and the singer, which is very enlightening to future generations.