Poems with the word Chang
Preface to the Lanting Collection by Wang Xizhi
In the ninth year of Yonghe, when I was in Guichou, at the beginning of late spring, I met at the Orchid Pavilion in Shanyin, Kuaiji , to repair bad luck. All the talented people have arrived, and the young and old have gathered together. Here there are high mountains, lush forests and bamboos, and clear streams and rapids, reflecting the scenery to the left and right. It is regarded as flowing water and flowing water, and it is ranked second. Although it is not as prosperous as silk and bamboo orchestral music, one drink and one chant are enough to express the secret love.
It is a sunny day, the air is clear and the wind is gentle and gentle. Looking up at the vastness of the universe and looking down at the abundance of categories, wandering your eyes and wandering your mind is enough to provide you with great visual and auditory entertainment, which is a joy to believe. ...
It means that in the ninth year of Yonghe, in the year of Guichou, in early March, we gathered at Lanting in Shanyin City, Kuaiji County to do evil things. Many talented people gathered here, both young and old. Lanting is a place with high peaks, lush woods and tall bamboos. There is also a clear and rapid stream that surrounds the pavilion. We use the stream water as a curved water for the drinking cup and sit beside the curved water. Although there is no grand occasion of playing music, drinking some wine and writing some poems is enough to relax. It describes the deep inner feelings. On this day, the weather is clear, the air is fresh, and the breeze is warm. Looking up to see the vastness of the universe, looking down to observe the numerous things on the earth, it is used to stretch your eyesight and broaden your mind, which is enough to fully enjoy the pleasure of sight and sound. It is really happy. .
"Preface to the Lanting Collection" is also known as "Preface to the Lanting Banquet Collection", "Lanting Preface", "Linhe Preface", "Ye Preface" and "Ye Tie". On March 3, the ninth year of Yonghe (AD 353) of Emperor Mu of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Wang Xizhi, Xie An, Sun Chuo and other 41 senior military and political officials went to "repair evil spirits" at Lanting in Shanyin (now Shaoxing, Zhejiang). Poems, Wang Xizhi's manuscript preface to their poems. "Preface to Orchid Pavilion" describes the beauty of the landscape around Orchid Pavilion and the joy of the party, expressing the author's feelings about the impermanence of life and death.