The palace visited by the nobles, from Shanghai to Chen, is a branch of Yang, so it should go straight; From the fourth day to the last day, it is the vaginal branch, which should be retrograde. The two pictures should be used together, but they can be divided into two parts: knowing armor is in the mausoleum, using dusk is expensive in Sigong, using daytime is expensive, and the rest are the same. If the sun shines brightly after the rain in the first month and the moon is in Hai, the time spent in Hai Jia will be up and down, depending on the time spent, depending on the palace where the nobles go, the yang branch should be suitable and the yin branch should be reversed, so as to find the place where the three ministers are located. If A uses the word "Shi Mao". Subordinate "is regarded as" Yang Guifei "for daily use, and then going straight is regarded as" Hai Jia Mao Gong ". Yang guiren is not in the sea, and the sea is the branch of Yang, plus the nobles go straight, Liuhe is in the shade, too often in the guard, and Taiyin is in the secluded. If A day and noon are the last words, and Dangui is regarded as Yin Gui, then it is followed by Hai Wu Jiagong: Yin Gui is ugly in Shen, Shen is a Yin branch, and the noble is retrograde. The moon is in the sky, too often in the sky, and Liuhe is in the third place. If A used the word "subordinate" and "expensive at dusk" when he was a child, he was designated as a young nobleman, so he used Hai Jiazi to advance; Yang Guiren is in Shen, and Shen is a yin branch. Add noble retrograde. The moon is in the sky, too often in the child, and Liuhe is in the third. I am also imitating this. (See Figure 2) Taichong Tianma Song Day: Taichong Tianma is the most expensive, but it is difficult to take off. However, when you ride a heavenly horse, the halberd is not as terrible as a mountain. As the saying goes: branches are round and stop at twelve o'clock. The palace is full of imagination, and it is really Henry who has taken refuge here. With Tian Yue's opportunity, we will meet the good point of the Russian, that is, Tai Chong and Fang. A few emergencies, from Tianma, can avoid disasters. First, add the month to the present tense, and count it to the base, which is too impulsive. Taichong is a heavenly horse, and its moon must pass through the palace, that is, the sun is also. If it rains before and after the first month, the hours and months are counted in the morning, and every word is put on the horse in the morning. Deng Ming is in the sea, and the uterus is in the sea, so the child lies ugly.
Tian Yue will celebrate the first month, February, March, April, May, June, afternoon, July, August, September, October, November and December.
The earth and the moon will be the first month, the first month, the second month, the third month, the third month, the fourth month, the fifth month, the sixth month, the seventh month, the eighth month, the ninth month, the tenth month, the eleventh month and the twelfth month.
Examine and correct the ugliness of the sun through the service calendar; Tatsumi's application at noon was not completed.
From time to time, you can choose Taichong Tianma Fang in the palace.
In the first month of the Ming dynasty, Taitian heavy stable was in the afternoon.
In February, the river system rushed to Tianma, and Haizi ugly son was not announced at noon.
In March, I set out from Dazhong Tianma and visited Tatsumi, the commander in chief, at noon.
In April, teleport will send Taichongtian Horse to Tatsumi at noon.
In May, General Tai Chongtian, Ma Fang and Haizi were at enmity.
In June, the holy light generals Taima Fangyou and Haizi Chou failed to apply at noon.
Taiyi was in Tianma Square in Taichung in July, and Tatsumi was ugly at noon.
In August, the highest day of the day will be too dull, and Tatsumi will be ugly at noon.
In September, Tian Chong's general Tai Chongtian's ugly horse house Mao Yinchen arrived in Xu Hai, Shen You at noon.
10, Gong Caohui is too dull and ugly, and Tatsumi will apply for Haizi at noon.
1 1 Month Daji will be in Taichong, Tianma, Fang Yinmao, Tatsumi, and Shen You will be ugly at noon.
/kloc-in 0/2 months, the queen of God will be too eager to go to Tianma, and Fang hasn't applied for Haizi Ugly Yin in the afternoon.