This place sounds like a waterfall when it rains in summer; When it snows heavily in winter, it sounds like jade. This place is suitable for playing the piano, high and smooth; This place is suitable for poetry, and the poetry is high and beautiful; This place is suitable for playing Go, and the pieces jingle on the board. This place is suitable for throwing pots, and the sound of the thrown arrows hitting the pots clanks: (This joyful sound) It's all the help of this bamboo house.
When I came back from a business trip, I wore a coat made of bird feathers, covered with a Huayang towel, held a roll of Zhouyi in my hand, lit incense, and sat silently in front of the incense burner to eliminate those worldly thoughts in my heart. Beyond mountains and rivers, I can only see sails in the wind, birds on the beach, smoke clouds and bamboo in front of me. When the wine strength gradually dissipated, the smoke from the tea stove gradually stopped, sending away the sunset and welcoming jathyapple, which was also a scene of my exile. Yun Qi Building and Meteor Building are very tall! Jinggan Building and Lijie Building are really beautiful! But they are only for geisha and dancers, not poets. I don't appreciate such a place. I heard a bamboo worker say, "Bamboo tiles can only be used for ten years, and with a layer of bamboo tiles, they can be used for twenty years." Ah! I was demoted from Hanlin to Chuzhou at the end of Taoism as B; Soldiers were transferred to Yangzhou; Ding Younian returned to Beijing to enter Zhongshu Province; On the eve of the Reform Movement of 1898, I received an order from Qi 'an (Huangzhou). In March of the following year, I went to Huangzhou County. During these four years, I have been running around and have no leisure; I wonder where it will be next year! Where am I afraid of bamboo house decay? I hope that people who come to Huangzhou have the same interests with me in the future, and then I will build a velvet bamboo building, hoping that this bamboo building will last forever.
In his spare time, he put on a crane, put on a Huayang towel, held a roll of Zhouyi in his hand, burned incense and sat quietly to relax the world. Sails, sand birds, clouds and bamboo forests are the first things you see when you cross the mountains and rivers. Drinking, drinking, tea and cigarettes, sunset, moonlight, and exile are also victories. He Yun Qi, the falling star, is high! Well done, well done, China is China! Stop with prostitutes, Tibetan songs and dances. I don't accept anything that is not a poet. I have heard the saying of bamboo workers: "Bamboo is a tile, only ten feet. Repeat, it's twenty feet. " Hey! I left the Chuhe River from Hanlin before Yi Dao was old. Shen Bing, moved to Guangling; Ding, go to the west again. In addition to 1898-year-old Japan, there is also a life of Qi 'an. I went to the county seat in March. During the four years, I was very busy; I wonder where it will be next year! Are you afraid of the perishable nature of bamboo buildings? Lucky people and my comrades, inherit and repair it, and Gu Lou will be immortal.
Diary of August 15th, second year of Xianping.