Xinxiang postal code

The postcode of this city is 453000.

According to the postal code database, Xinxiang 000,45 represents Henan Province, 3 represents a postal area of Xinxiang City, and 00 represents a specific delivery area.

Xinxiang City, alias Mu Ye, is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Henan Province, located in the north of Henan Province. Xinxiang has a long history and remains of Yangshao culture and Longshan culture. It is one of the important birthplaces of The Book of Songs, and the poems circulating in ancient Xinxiang account for a quarter of the national style. Xinxiang is the center of economy, education and transportation in northern Henan, and it is also one of the important industrial cities, economic zones and core cities in the Central Plains urban agglomeration.