The word "sheng" is too oblique, so make a slight adjustment; The first horizontal line should be connected by apostrophe; It would be better if the whole word were a little flat, as Master Pang Zhonghua wrote.
The word "he" should be written on the left, and the "vertical hook" should be connected to the horizontal line above. It should be noted that this is hard pen calligraphy.
The "vertical tick" under the word "wait" is a little to the left and written a little longer.
The "horizontal" of the "horizontal hook" on the right side of the word "que" should be written longer. After writing for a long time, you will find that if you move the "horizontal hook" down a little, the whole word will look good.
As a whole, we should pay attention to the word "reason". It is better to write the word "Li" on the left slightly longer or moderately. If you write like this, it will be peaceful. For the part on the right, the word "Li" in the fourth row from the right will be better, but not in the third row.
I suggest you study Pang Zhonghua's fonts, which will be very helpful to you!
The above is my little suggestion, please accept it!