Confucius had a high opinion of "The Book of Songs". Regarding the ideological content of "The Book of Songs", he said, "Three hundred poems can cover the habits in one sentence, and the thoughts are innocent." As for its characteristics, it is "warm and honest, and the teaching of poetry" (that is, it is believed that reading the Book of Songs has the effect of clarifying the soul, and it is the best way to use it as a tool for education). Confucius even said, "If you don't learn poetry, you can't speak", which shows the profound influence of "The Book of Songs" on ancient Chinese literature. Confucius believed that studying poetry can cultivate the ability of association, improve observation, and learn the methods of criticism. You can use the principles to serve your father and the emperor, so as to achieve order in the family, rule the country, and rule the world.
Sima Qian said: "The national style is lustful but not lewd, Xiaoya is resentful but not chaotic. If you are a Li Sao, you can say that you have both. The emperor is called Ku, the emperor is Qi Huan, the middle is Tang and Wu, and the The ethics of the Ming Dynasty are widely admired, and the rules of governing chaos are endless. Seeing the meaning is far away. His ambition is to be rich, so he is called Wu Fang. He is honest and does not allow himself to die. In the mud of Zhuonao, the cicada is sloughed away from the filth and dust, and does not get the filth of the world. It’s like being wet with mud but not soaking up the mud. It’s possible to push forward this ambition, even if it competes with the sun and the moon.” This passage should be quoted from Huainan Wang Liu An’s "Li Sao Zhuan". "("Historical Records: Biography of Qu Yuan and Jia Sheng") illustrates the content of "The Book of Songs" in which things are lyrical and poetry expresses aspirations, as well as a mental state that is both persistent and not overly indulging in emotions. It encourages poets to actively use the world," "Sensed by sorrow and joy, motivated by events", and opposed to indulging in the absolutely personal world. This is consistent with the ethical style advocated by Confucianism, so it is regarded as a classic by Confucianism, which deeply influenced the poetic concepts and ideas of later generations of scholar-bureaucrats. Poetry and feelings. Under the influence of the Book of Songs, poetry has largely become a major way for traditional Chinese literati to express their political attitudes and express social emotions.
Liu Xie
"Wen Xin Diao Long" focuses on the interpretation of the appeal of the "Book of Songs" and believes that the "Book of Songs" has the spiritual power to inspire the world; focusing on the purpose of transforming society, Emphasizing the strong realistic attitude of "The Book of Songs" in criticizing social injustice;
Lu Xun commented on "The Book of Songs" - the lives of ancestors and the traces of history.