This story.
Excerpt from the original:
Three years later, he returned to his parents; Parents said, "Wang was furious and Yu Jie was so angry that he was buried." Heavy weeping and mourning, sacrificial coins hanging in front of the tomb. When Jade Soul came out of the tomb, he saw his face with a heavy runny nose and said, "After Xi and his wife left, I asked my second cousin to beg from the king, and my degree will be fulfilled." What can you do if you don't want to die! "
Yuer is looking around and singing around her neck: "Nanshan has weapons, and Beishan has plans; Since Wu Fei flies high, what does Jiang do! I want to follow you. My mind is full of rumors. Sorrow leads to disease, and death leads to sorrow. If you don't kill yourself, you will be wronged! The length of the feather family is called the phoenix; One day's loss, three years' sorrow; Although there are many birds, they are not a pair. So when you see a contemptuous gesture, you will shine when you meet a gentleman. Being far away, your heart is near, why not? "
Three years later, Han Zhong came back and asked his parents about the marriage proposal. His parents told him, "The King of Wu was very angry and refused to get married. Yu Zi was very angry and he was buried. " Han Zhong wept bitterly and was very sad. He took a sacrifice to the cemetery to pay homage. Yu Zi's soul came out of the grave and saw Han Zhong, crying and saying, "After you left, your parents proposed to your father, thinking that we could realize our wishes. Unexpectedly, after parting, we met such bad luck. What can we do? "
Then Yu Zi turned his head and sang sadly, "There are magpies and birds on the South Mountain and traps on the North Mountain. Magpies and birds have flown south. What can the net do? I wanted to follow you wholeheartedly, but there were too many rumors. Sorrow accumulates into a disease, poor death, such an unfair fate, when will injustice be revealed? The king of birds in the mountains is called Phoenix. Once the male phoenix is lost, the female phoenix will be sad for three years. Although there are many magpies and birds, it is difficult to pair up. So the gesture reappears, and every time it is glory. You and I are far apart, when can we forget each other? "
Extended data
Searching for the Gods is the pinnacle of the novel about supernatural beings in Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, and its content involves people, gods, ghosts and monsters, among which ghost love is one of its more representative themes.
Ghost love is the love between people and ghosts. "Ghost" sounds creepy and chilling, but in Gan Bao's The Search for the Gods, people and ghosts not only have no boundaries and no distance, but also compose a series of sad or sad love poems.
In Gan Bao's story, the ending of ghost love is different.
The first kind of ghost love is the perfect love that everyone yearns for: Lang is affectionate and intends to be a concubine, which can be described as a real two of a kind. Despite all kinds of hardships in the middle, lovers finally have a happy ending. Looking for God, this kind of love is represented by Ziyu and Han Ping's wife.
Purple Jade describes that Purple Jade, the youngest daughter of Fu Cha, the king of Wu, fell in love with Han Zhong, but was rejected by the king. Purple Jade suffocated and died, while Han Zhong met the soul of Purple Jade and had a ceremony of husband and wife.
Han Ping's Wife narrates that Song Kangwang occupied Han Ping's wife, and Han Ping was imprisoned and committed suicide. He also committed suicide. Han Ping gave birth to the story of acacia tree between the couple's graves. A pair of mandarin ducks lived in the tree and their necks groaned.
Although the love of the protagonists in the two stories is short-lived, it is the purest and most sincere. Their ending was inevitable in that era, because of feudal ideology, because of dictatorship, because there was no so-called "fairness." This is also a true portrayal of some people at that time, expressing people's pursuit and expectation of beautiful and sincere feelings at that time.
There is also a kind of tragic ending about ghost love and searching for god. In this kind of story in this book, all the tragedies are women, and it is not others who create the tragedy, but the so-called woman's lover.
As described in Zhong You, Zhong You was infatuated with a beautiful woman, and she didn't go to court for several months, so she was in a trance. He was warned that this woman must be a ghost and must be killed. Later, although the woman knew that Zhong You intended to kill her, she came anyway. Zhong You couldn't bear to hurt her, but cut off her thigh with a knife.
The female ghost fled in a hurry and wiped the blood with new cotton all the way. The next day, Zhong You sent someone to look for blood. Before he came to a big grave, he dug it up. It was the beautiful woman whose thigh was cut in the coffin, and the new cotton had traces of blood.
This is a tragedy. The female ghost knew that her identity was exposed, but she resolutely went to the meeting and was killed, but she did not take any revenge. Such a passionate, brave and persistent ghost shows a kind of human beauty that is willing to sacrifice for love.
Another example is the tragic story of Han Tansheng. Tan is forty years old, but she is not married. Late one night, a beautiful woman of 15 or 16 came to talk about living in Han, hoping to get married, but made a request: no fire for three years, and then give birth to a son. However, Tan Sheng couldn't help but wonder that the female ghost had no hope of resurrection. She had to leave sadly, but she gave him a beaded robe when she left.
It was this beaded robe that made him the son-in-law of Suiyang. Even if she is wronged by her beloved, even if she is in great pain, she still wants to give her lover the best and make him live better. Such a woman is kind and beautiful, but she has a tragic ending.
Seeking God is a great work, and its theme has become the material and resource of various literary creations in later generations. The ghost love it describes has formed a pattern, which has influenced many excellent works including Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio. The ghost love story described in Sue Ji Shen is touching, which profoundly reflects the social situation and people's psychological state at that time, and also deeply affects generation after generation.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Soushenji