English words of the word "classic"


Buddhist scripture


Noun (short for noun)

Buddhist scriptures and classics




Adjective (abbreviation for adjective)

Classical, orthodox, classical literature


class . si . cal

AHD:[kl? s”? -k…l]


K.K.[6kl#s! k*l]


Abbreviation class.

Abbreviation category

Of or relating to ancient Greece and Rome, especially their art, architecture and literature.

Of or relating to ancient Greece and Rome, especially their art, architecture and literature.

It conforms to the artistic and literary patterns of ancient Greece and Rome.

Classical: conforming to the artistic or literary patterns of ancient Greece and Rome

Mastering classics:

Proficient in classical literature:

Classical scholars.

Classical writer

Of or relating to the highest stage of artistic development in a civilization:

Classical: the highest stage of artistic development in a civilization:

China's classical poems.

China's Classical Poetry

Abbreviation class. music

Abbreviated class. music

Of or relating to European music in the second half of18th century and the early part of19th century:

/kloc-European music from the second half of the 8th century to the early 9th century;

Mozart's classic works.

Mozart's classical works

Of or relating to traditional European music, such as symphonies and operas, as opposed to pop or folk music.

Classical: Of or relating to the traditional music of the educated upper class in Europe, such as symphonies and operas, as opposed to pop music or folk music.

Of, relating to, or a variant of a language, which is the epitome of a prestigious literary work.

Normative: Of or belonging to many aspects of a language regarded as a standard by language authorities.

Standard and authoritative, not new or experimental:

Standard or authoritative, not new or experimental:

Classic navigation method.

Standard navigation mode

As we all know; Classic:

Be famous; Permanent:

The classic debate between free trade and protectionism.

The endless debate between free trade and protectionism.

Of or relating to nonrelativistic or quantum physics:

Does not belong to relativity and quantum physics;

Classical mechanics.

Nonquantum mechanics

Relating to or consisting of research in the humanities and general sciences:

Of or involving the humanities and general scientific research:

Classical courses.

Liberal arts courses