A greeting is a sentence that expresses good wishes to people. In social development, greetings are not limited to festivals and banquets. Common couples send messages to each other, greetings and blessings from weather changes, encouragement and blessings from friends every day, greetings and blessings every morning and so on.
Here are some greetings: Dad, how are you recently? Don't work too hard when you are old. Your children will take care of themselves. You should take care of yourself. Today is New Year, I wish you a happy New Year! Mother is like fertile land, and I am like a grass on the land. Mother's contribution is endless, and my return is meager. Happy New Year, Mom!
I grew up with your love, and now I will repay you with more love when I grow up, my dearest-mom and dad! Happy New Year. I will make my parents proud of me this year. You are a towering tree, and I grew up in your shade. Two sweet berries fell on the tree, which made me nutritious. Dad, I wish you a happy Spring Festival!