Wang Zhengming’s final resting place

In June 2011 AD, old man Wang Zhengming passed away quietly. Away from the people he cared about. He was 73 years old. All the villagers and many Christian churches came to attend Elder Wang Zhengming’s memorial service. Then the old man was sent off with the most traditional etiquette of the Dahua Miao people and Christian etiquette. His family replaced burning paper with flowers, and replaced crying with singing.

Mr. Yang Mingxiang, President of the Two Christian Associations of Guizhou Province, and Mr. Luo Huaming, President of the Two Christian Associations of Liupanshui City, personally wrote: "It is so sad to have good words in Lansun after death. After fighting the beautiful battle in life, we are busy with God's work." Rest!"

The body of Elder Wang Zhengming is buried on Tiaohua Slope in Dahua Miao Natural Village, Shibangou, Yaoshang Village, Hongyan Township, Shuicheng County, waiting for the call of the Lord Jesus. His life and spirit will live forever. In people's hearts.