It is said that there is a close internal relationship between the two, because they both come from the work of the Holy Spirit. It can't be said that it's the same, because being touched by the Holy Spirit is constant and constant, touching his good works in people's hearts at any time and place, and being filled with the Holy Spirit is a special experience of people, showing God's power for special needs.
The Lord Jesus promised his disciples that year; "I asked my father, and he gave you a comforter, who will always be with you, the Holy Spirit of truth. ..... he will teach you everything "(about14:16,26). The apostle Paul was inspired by God and said, "Don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit? This Holy Spirit comes from God and dwells in you "(Cor. 1. 6: 19). since the arrival of the holy spirit on Pentecost, the holy spirit has lived in anyone baptized by the holy spirit and has been reborn from the holy spirit. And constantly moving, enlightening, illuminating and guiding people. Sometimes, the Holy Spirit will touch people and make them "blame themselves for sin, righteousness and judgment" (about 16: 8). Sometimes, the Holy Spirit will inspire people, give them wisdom and make them really know God (Ephesians 1: 17). Sometimes, the Holy Spirit will shine on people, making them taste the grace of heaven and realize the power of the afterlife (Hebrews 6: 4-5). Sometimes, the Holy Spirit will lead people to understand all the truth (about 16: 3). Anyone born of the Holy Spirit will never stop being moved and working by the Holy Spirit in his heart. Therefore, every Christian who is reborn and saved should look at everything and always reflect, "Don't destroy the touch of the Holy Spirit" (1 Thessalonians 5: 19).
As for the fullness of the Holy Spirit, it is a special experience with special needs. For example, on Pentecost, the Holy Spirit filled everyone and spoke other languages to the population in order to witness the resurrected Lord, spread the gospel and create the church. When Peter testified in Cornelius' house, "the Holy Spirit fell on all those who listened to the word" and "heard them speak in tongues and praised God for being great" (Acts 10: 24-48). That is to prove that Gentiles, like Jews, can be blessed in God's love. Before his martyrdom, Stephen was filled with the Holy Spirit in order to show him the glory of God and increase his heart (Acts 7: 55). Peter and his disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit again in order to help them "speak the word of God boldly" (Acts 4: 5-8, 365, 438+0). It is clearly recorded in the Bible that every day, everyone is filled with the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit has his special needs, special functions and special significance. It is by no means a running without direction, a fist fight in the air and a trumpet out of tune (Lin Qian 1. 9; 26, 14:7-8)。
In fact, a person who is reborn by the Holy Spirit has the Holy Spirit living in it, as long as he can listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and not destroy the touch of the Holy Spirit, "follow the Holy Spirit; Sow according to the Holy Spirit "(Galatians. 5: 16, 6: 8). He is a man filled with the Holy Spirit. He is capable, courageous, wise and confident (Acts 1: 8, 4: 3 1, 6: 3, 5) and can bear all kinds of good fruits (Gal). 5: 22-23), glorifying the name of the Lord.