Poetry reading, from now on, I want to

From this moment on:

I should encourage and praise my children more.

Instead of criticizing, accusing and blaming children.

Because I only know encouragement and praise.

In order to give children confidence and strength,

Criticism, accusations and complaints are just venting.

My emotions,

Hurt the child's mind;

From this moment on:

I want to influence my children with my actions,

Instead of preaching to children in words.

Because I know the behavior of children.

Never taught,

But influenced and imitated;

From this moment on:

I want to hear more from my children,

Instead of rushing to judge children.

Because I know that listening is.

The best communication;

From this moment on:

I want to love this child unconditionally,

Instead of loving what I want;

Because I know that is my selfishness and conceit;