Lu Xun’s first novel

"Diary of a Madman" is Mr. Lu Xun's first vernacular novel.

In May 1918, he used "Lu Xun" as his pen name for the first time and published the first vernacular novel "Diary of a Madman" in the history of modern Chinese literature in "New Youth", which violently criticized the system of cannibalism. It was an epoch-making work that announced the beginning of a new literary century. In terms of artistic method, it obviously has a "light symbolism color". Before the advent of "Diary of a Madman", vernacular poetry and prose had already appeared, but works that truly have profound revolutionary thoughts and literary revolutionary features, and that combine a thorough anti-feudal spirit with a new and perfect art form, are This is "Diary of a Madman". It can also be said that "Diary of a Madman" is the pioneer of modern Chinese novels.